
Form follows function.  ;-)

5200 had larger cartridges.

It didn’t; it just impacted. But the “engine burn” referred to means firing the engine. Spacecraft bring their own oxidizer along for that. The Russians usually favor unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH) and dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4). The former acts as the fuel, while the latter acts as the oxidizer. This

It’s not what they did, it’s the fact they don’t have to do anything at all to see the Russian Space Agency fail. After the U.S.S.R. split, all their good space agencies were located in Ukraine. Before the invasion the Ukrainians were good with leasing access to the Russians but then Russia got greedy...

Is it true that Tesla won’t allow a business to lease one of their cars in most states?”

I think they do business leases in any state that allows it. They have a fleet and business team dedicated to it:


Looks like their attempt to invade the Moon is going about as well as their attempt to invade Ukraine.

Is it wrong to hope the Chandrayaan-3 rover, Pragyan, trundles along to the crash site of the Luna-25 and takes a selfie? Nah!

And due to the writer’s strike, no late night talk shows to shill on.

As someone pointed out on Twitter last month, the AMPTP underestimated the strikers because they assume that writers and actors will return to the table once they realize their “cushy lifestyles” are in jeopardy.

I think MSNBC had a retired pilot on after that happened and he basically said it looks bad but it wasn’t going to crash the plane. Its something pilots train for. You cut the engine and the fuel and then land the plane on one engine.  

I was flying with my mother, and while landing our engine started doing this.  Everyone on the plane started looking out the window on that side, pointing, a general hubbub.  My mom asked what was going on.  I leaned over, pulled down the window shade and told her I’d tell her once we were at the gate.  everything was

The ink rip-off’s bad enough, but what’s even worse is the e-waste. I see so many perfectly good inkjets out on the kerb because to by it new with included ink is might be $89.95, but a full set of new carts is like $150. Fucking disgraceful. 

It’s literally limitless.

This just in! New games with larger open areas and higher quality textures take up more storage space! Film at 11!

Part of the problem is that a lot of garages can’t really fit today’s larger cars anyways. My neighborhood is full of Suburbans and F150s parked in the driveway because there is no way they are fitting in the garage. If you can’t fit a car in the garage, might as well just make it storage.

The Sheriff needs to choose his words more carefully. He just issued a challenge to all the ass clowns who don’t know that they are ass clowns. At no point did he say “Do not under any circumstances try to traverse Black Bear Pass.” He only said “you need the right vehicle.”  I assure you, the ass clowns all think,-121.9974675,3a,60y,159.01h,78.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4MSXVcX8wBaaZy68lQRkJA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

That wall doesn’t look like it’ll stop shit.