Ford customer orders come with a Green Window sticker that reads CUSTOM order. No way this was an accident. You can see the difference from 30 ft away.
Ford customer orders come with a Green Window sticker that reads CUSTOM order. No way this was an accident. You can see the difference from 30 ft away.
“The dealer claims that when the truck came in, instead of being placed in special orders, the Maverick was placed in its regular dealer stock which is why it was sold.”
It’s incompetence, not an unacceptable mistake. Either both dealerships are run by people who shouldn’t be running dealerships or they knowingly sold trucks that were special ordered for other customers.
Yeah honestly that is the best response to it. “hey we fucked up and your truck got sold to someone else here’s 5 grand and we are going to custom order you another one.”
A few more reasons to have a direct order process and take dealer’s out of the equation all together...
Are you me? I took my Maverick in for an airbag recall, got it back with grease on the headliner and a bolt laying on the passenger floor.
Or, like in the cast of my 2019 Forester with like 40,000 miles on it, they pull the engine out to replace the power steering pump and then end up breaking it beyond the point of repair and then have to buy it back from me. Man I love dealerships.
The Aaron Ford one doesn’t surprise me. Last year I went there to check out a FX4 Maverick, which the website had advertised at $33k. I get there and love the little truck and ask for an out the door price...just under $50K. I was told Mavericks were in high demand, thus there is a $15k market adjustment on…
I call B.S., Ford tags their customer special orders as green window stickers. It is very obvious. When we bought our F-150, it was a special customer order that didn’t get picked up. We picked it up off the lot. The salesman had to get clearance to sell it from the manager on shift.
But a deposit is securing my first right to ownership, no? The dealer took a deposit, which is funds in exchange for agreeing that the truck in question is mine to purchase when it arrives and is ready to be sold, and then didn’t honor it? Why did it take my money then? Just a shitty 0% interest bank account?
Without dealerships, who would help you have the vehicle you ordered sold out from under you? s/
Man, I am sure glad that the dealership model is protected by state laws. They provide such great value.
In reality, Voyager 2 is very close to not having enough power for any of the instruments it carries, with a last-instrument shutdown date expected in 2026. Since it’s already outside of the heliopause, it is not too likely to encounter something overly interesting in that time (though the amount of plasma it found…
All we have to do is accept the debilitating effects of Lyme Disease, the missed work, the worker’s comp hassles, the healthcare costs, the increased use of antibiotics, the development of antibiotic resistance....
“policy of towing safely and lawfully parked vehicles without a warrant based solely on the accrual of unpaid parking tickets”
I don’t know a lot about sailing, or boats in general. But I was shocked to find out how reasonably priced a decent sailboat was. In my head, you were talking a few hundred grand to get something that had a decent cabin and sleeping quarters that you could stay on for a couple days. But 26-28ft boats in older but good…
Another cheap way to get into sailing is to join a club. They're pretty easy to find, will offer lessons and the boats are ready to go. Spend a few hundred for a summer and if you don't like it you're off the hook. No worries about towing, rigging or maintenance before you get to the fun part!
V’ger will seek the Creator....s line of communication
An attorney for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area Zal Shroff called the practice “stealing.”