
They mean that in this case, there was a crime, (by the driver,) but the car owner wasn’t involved. In those other cases, there was no crime. So those are different questions, and answering this case may be difficult to apply to those other cases. The SC is constrained to resolve the case which is before them, and

They still have to decide on the case which is before them, and not all cases allow them to make a broader ruling that affects other cases. Somebody needs to bring one of those other cases up to this level before they can decide it, and most of those cases get settled before it gets this far.

The problem is while the police drag those cases out as much as they can, they don’t let it go far enough to appeal to the SC, they would rather settle the case than let it create new precedent.

They usually send the cargo dragon up with several tons of cargo. If they send it empty, and expend the booster instead of reserving fuel for a landing, (giving the second stage a bigger boost,) then the second stage should have a good reserve of fuel remaining. Expending the booster can add 5 tons to the payload

The Earth-Moon Langrage point is not a stable orbit. If we could get it there, (a big IF as you noted,) it would still drift away in just a few years without active course correction.

Dragon already has an automatic docking process, the tricky part would be keeping the second stage attached while maneuvering. (Due to the offset CG) They could maybe use Falcon 9 in disposable mode to save more of the second stage propellant for the deorbit. Alternatively, put a small tank and motor in the trunk area

The current boost process I think requires crew onboard, and is reliant on Russia. With Russia wanting to pull out by 2024, we need more options rapidly. NASA has tested a reboost with Cygnus, but that test was cut short and has not been repeated. And Cygnus uses the berthing adaptor, which requires the crew to use

P.S. Low side/High side is determined by the pressure of the refrigeration/heat pump cycle, not by gravity.

What do you mean by overcomplicated? Having 8 rotors would give it redundancy. And Titan’s thick atmosphere and low gravity means it’s easier to fly than on earth, so it can carry more scientific instruments.

Low side is inside the station, where it cools equipment. High side is in the radiator, which is where the damage is.

That would contaminate the samples.

Hawaii actually has very little shipping to other countries. The Jones Act limits what ships can go there: Any ship going from Hawaii to another state must be US owned. Therefore, a ship to or from China can’t stop there to get a few containers, even though it’s “on the way.” Since HI is not a large enough market by

I’ve returned cars with the keys inside. (In an airport parking lot, no less.) But the instructions were specific to lock the vehicle, because the rental place had their own key.

Maybe he’s saying the car is out on the lot, not in the showroom.

I’m wondering if FCC has some beef with SpaceX, or relationship with AT&T, causing them to slow walk this one while Apple’s plan got the green light long ago. SpaceX announced this months before Apple’s satellite SOS was announced.

The satellite signal in this case is LTE, just like a ground cellular station. The difference is Starlink’s phased-array antenna allows it to aim the signal at specific areas, (still around 30 miles diameter) so it can stay within the normal power/wattage limitations on such signals, even as the satellite is moving.

Local municipalities set their own traffic laws all the time. They just have to put up the appropriate signage, and perhaps conduct a traffic study to justify it. There are several intersections around here with “no right on red” signs due to various issues.

I think they’re using the “ban junk fees” on the assumption that once the fees are know up front, they are no longer “junk”: they are just fees. We can deal with fees when we are able to compare them to other competitors up-front.

So it’s NOT two factor?

The scary part is that he probably has and just never thought about it. Or just never thought.