The schigera never really existed as anything other than an alpha 164 derived concept. I always assumed it was undrivable in the real world.
The schigera never really existed as anything other than an alpha 164 derived concept. I always assumed it was undrivable in the real world.
That's why I always let my passenger jerk for me. #BothHandsOnTheWheel
The Forest, that survival horror game that tore up Steam charts earlier this year, is also coming to the PS4, Sony announced today. Here's the announcement trailer.
"Hello sir, this is Cheryl from Ontrac, we've detected that you're going way f%$king fast, are you experiencing unintended acceleration? Would you like me to shut down the car for you? Sir?"
as a central New Yorker, I am jealous of the snow that Buffalo and Northern NY has been getting. All our snow melted over the weekend.
NJ here, we'll take some of that snow as well, thanks!
JEEZ FINALLY A MANUFACTURER LISTENED TO THE ENTHUSIAST MASSES AND IS BRINGING A TURBO AWD PERFORMANCE WAGON TO OUR SHORES that none of us will buy new because $40k is too much money for a VW (seriously that's V8 Mustang/STi money) so I'll just wait for one to show up at Carmax in a few years because I never put my…
The Capri was Ford of Europe's mini-Mustang, and was sold in the U.S. as Mercury. Today's Nice Price or Crack…
It's the taillights.
Such. Weird. Boobs.
Well he must be doing pretty good since he baught a house. looooool
"ready to race" I cannot possibly imagine where anyone would want to race it to other than the crusher..
Tauros was the final Pokemon I caught to complete my PokeDex in Red. I must of thrown like 300 of those garbage safari balls until it finally worked. Gah! I catch all 3 legendary birds AND Mewtwo with ultra balls and a stupid cow is what eluded me for like a week!
A Chevette with a big block AND plaid seats!!!! Sweeeeeeet....