Brian Straight

As much as I liked the Eastman character and, honestly, wish we had him around instead of Morgan at this point -Eastman had some good humor about him- it’s hard for me to be 100% on board with his outlook on life, especially in this world and the show -more or less- doesn’t want us to be on board with him and now

I’m not upset about my dead daughter just mostly.... Confused? I guess?

Apple’s new product: the iNose.

Does my stupid-looking makeup make me look stupid? And what am I wearing? Does this movie take place in 2015 or 1985?

No duck face?! Clearly a selfie-n00b.

Oh, I know what date the paper was from in the movie, I just assumed the paper came out the day before since that was “BTTF Day” and I saw people posting about this paper on line.

Indeed. It was all in fun. Had a blast with yesterday being “the future” and now I’m sad it’s gone.

I never did consider how practical these would be to use for someone with nerve problems or lose of dexterity. In another video I saw of Fox first trying them, there are some small “fiddly” buttons on the side of it to adjust the tightness of the laces which may be hard for someone with dexterity issues to use, but

Ugh, he’d have to stop to giggle to himself constantly. But Kimmel didn’t seem to have much grasp of his own lines. Lloyd can be forgiven for his flubs and and such, he’s 77 and probably hasn’t done much acting in a long time. Kimmel does this stuff everyday and likely WROTE this! How was he messing up?! And why is it

I’m fairly sure the “special edition” USA Today was printed and distributed yesterday, not today. Though that would be cinematically accurate; the whole thing was about yesterday.

And anyone upset or whining over how “overboard” everyone went yesterday. Get over it. It was one day out of forever where a reasonable,

I read TDKR rather late “in life” too after hearing about it’s greatness but having already been exposed to Miller’s insanity (All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder) thinking I’d get some glimpse of what the man was before losing it. In reading the TDKR? Overrated art and, really, all of the Hallmarks and signs of

I argue he’s had an undiagnosed, non-cancerous (but still impactful) brain tumor since Reagan was in office. The man’s talent in all areas and sanity has been in decline fairly steadily for decades. I say this as someone who has a diagnosed non-cancerous (but still impactful) brain tumor that I take medication to keep

But, come on, tell me that wouldn’t be a brilliant thing to have!

This may be the best evidence we have that Frank Miller has a brain tumor that’s interfering with his logic, reason, sense of perspective and grasp of reality and proportion.

Way, way, back in the day Miller was a good artist and decent creator. In the last, oh.... 20-25 years? Not so much. All-Star Batman and Robin

I like the building respect between Glenn and sorta-Jewfro guy. He get’s what Glenn is about and how good of a person Glenn is. Also, the way Glenn spoke with Maggie, clues she’s pregnant? Which if true doesn’t bode well for Glenn.

Please, Carol, drop the Carol Brady routine. I liked you better -however slightly- when

“Sir, do you have a few minutes for me to share with you the good news about the Kingdom of God?”

Remember! Sanders ‘16!

On a basic concept, I understand the principle of the “selfie.” I mean, people have been taking pictures of themselves and sharing it with others since the invention of the camera. But, to this level is where my understanding breaks down.

What could they *possibly* be getting out of this? What’s the point of taking

Most gorgeous one by far.

“I’m going to open this safe with or without your help, Alfred.”
“All fine and good, sir, but must you jump right to a fertilizer bomb? I mean, the phone’s right here, how about we call a locksmith or a safe-cracking expert first? If it makes you feel better we’ll get a more-likely non-corrupt one from Metropolis or