I see what you did there.
I see what you did there.
The craziest thing about Hildi I recall is her decorating a kitchen’s walls with wine bottle labels. Not on the surface “terrible” but the homeowners were teetotaler. And she knew this. Went ahead anyway.
She’s still loony as all get-out, back in the original iteration of the show I had noted how she seemed to have a…
Yes, what kind of ridiculous society embraces blue-collarism and chides, insults and often out-right ignores intelligent behavior and points of view?
Seth MacFarlane himself and Fox. Not a good “first episode” to see. I recommend watching almost any of the other previous episodes via either Fox’s website or your cable company’s OnDemand service. I high recommend the episode from a couple weeks ago, “Majority Rule” which, for me, is the best episode of the season so…
I thought this episode was really good and it’s interesting, and easy, to dive into the things it was trying to say and the allegories it was trying to make. I think it’s easier to think of this show as something closer to TOS than TNG, both series used their setting and premise to confront present-day issues in an…
FWIW they didn’t save her from crashing into “the” sun but into *a* sun (or star. rather.) “The Sun” implies our sun Sol, the one Earth orbits. “a sun” implies any other star that hosts a planetary system. (Though, again, it’s a “star” since “Sun” is still the name of our host star in English.)
Seriously, what was with Discovery and all of the dutch angles?! Was it trying to be Battlefield Earth?!
I’ve been a Star Trek fan since I was 12 or 13 years old. I love the show, and have seen every episode of its various incarnations. (Except for the CBS All-Access “Discovery”) A big fan of TNG as it’s what pulled me in, lesser a fan of Voyager. DS9 was good, Enterprise largely meh. And TOS is just classic.
For me,…
Chekov’s Pot Brownie (or “Cannabis Edible”), I had the same question to on what happened to it and then dismissed as the show’s clumsy way of showing this future’s progressive ideals when it comes to casual drug use.
But, it sort of plays a, minor, role in the reconnection between Mercer and Grayson’s reconciliation…
Read this article. Laughed quite a bit. Congrats, little on the Internet makes me laugh anymore.
Idiot. (The biker.) Did he not see the flashing lights a positioning of the police vans and other vehicles? The swarms of people being barricaded on the sidewalks? What did he think was happening? Why didn’t he stop when he saw the police vehicles blocking the intersection? If they didn’t want a car going through…
Isn’t it kind of shitty that Kimmy is a near-40 year-old woman, has been the daughter’s best friend for decades and these three, adult, men still treat her like she’s the spawn of Satan? I mean, it was pretty bad when they were treating a TEENAGED GIRL like this, but now they’re treating an adult woman like this. What…
So.... I’m not a cab driver. But, I dunno, I don’t think I would have picked the guy up. It doesn’t look to be cold enough outside to call for a hoodie with the hood up and taut, or the face mask considering the driver in a windbreaker and the cop doesn’t seem to have any outer protection on at all.
But even if the…
No man should die unexpectedly, and he died while, apparently, with no major medical issues and at a fairly “young” age for these times. Death is tragic, however, no matter the circumstances and aside from the very, very, worst of humanity no one “deserves” death or should have their death celebrated.
Scalia no longer…
On a basic concept, I understand the principle of the “selfie.” I mean, people have been taking pictures of themselves and sharing it with others since the invention of the camera. But, to this level is where my understanding breaks down.
What could they *possibly* be getting out of this? What’s the point of taking…
I met her at a con back in March, in person she’s just as gorgeous as you’d expect -without the Hollywood makeup- and she has an amazing personality and vibrancy to her. She was allowing table-side pictures even though those were discouraged at the con. It was amazing how much personality she has over May. :lol:
You know, with all of the discussion on how great the cast looks, and how awesome this bit was, I find myself amazed at how well they re-created the main-hall set! The stairs, the weird lockers where you can see the legs of them, the look of PA-speaker, all of the banners and stuff around the hall (referencing…
Random? Oh, believe me, with her my boners were very planned.
He was horrible on SNL, always fiddling/fidgeting and always forgetting his lines. Seriously, 10-million people died from alcohol poisoning during Fallon's five-year stint on SNL by playing a drinking game where they took a dream for every time Fallon flubbed a line and ruined a skit. It's not widely known, but…