
There's a price limit on that though. I recently had a tree fall across my detached garage about 3 months ago, repair estimate was $4800. Called insurance, was approved over the phone and direct deposit hit in roughly 2 days. I could have done the repair myself, but opted to go with a contractor friend for the

Hrm, I'm weird I guess. I've never had issue with VZW (been a customer since my 2nd phone in 2007). I'm their customer for only 1 reason, they are the only ones that have coverage where I live and play. That was true in Wyoming (well, there was a Local carrier that had super high rates if you left their tiny

$89 cell (that's 2 lines, though one is the $10/month dumb phone), and currently $40/month for internet, though that'll go to $55 in a few months so I'll just count it at $55. That's it, nothing else in my household (that we pay for) that's technology related.

LOL... half of you are Spock (but to consider anything else outside of a prenup is illogical), and the other half romantics (I'll just choose to believe in my spouse). Never the twain shall meet ~ and there's no sense in arguing about it.


As usual, there's another variable that may or may not apply. For me, I'm looking at a ~2 hour round trip drive to my closest Walmart. A little bit more than that for Target, Best Buy (can't remember the last time I was in one of those stores), or Sams. That makes for a unique variable, am I willing to consume

There's a hundred of 'em out there already. Google "STC1000" for the unit and other peoples posts/blogs/howtos. Pretty simple though, the unit has live and neutral in, then the included temp probe allows the unit to trigger a 'cold' switch (ie, when the temp Drops to a certain point, turn on this relay) and a 'hot'

Actually, I do run an instant-read thermometer in my electric kettle. It's not hard to "rig" (pull thermo out of it's case, push button to turn on and slip in the pour spout), and doesn't take any more attention than looking at the temp while working on my breakfast/lunch or whatever else I'm doing.

I'm not a parent (and will never be), but I see the same in my wifes cousins. They are about as anti-social as I've ever seen a human. They simply will NOT interact with the world around them, their Entire world (when I see them) is that 4" screen.

All of 'em!

I taught basic computer classes for my local college, the funny thing is that They came to ME. They were mostly 1 or 2 day, 2~3 hours a day, type things. Setting up your own basic webpage/blog, cleaning out spy/ad/bloat ware, using Office (and its substitutes). Sorta a hands-on class for about 8~10 people. Didn't

I was in the same boat ~ I'm a big guy, wide shoulders so my head needs tall pillows for support... and apparently it's filled with concrete because a normal pillow does Nothing for me. Anyway, I found a Sleep Better 2" thick high density memory foam (solid chunk of foam) pillow that's been doing me well for about 5

This has 2 points. First is that I'm Firmly in the "I'll believe it when it actually happens" camp when it comes to discounts/rebates/and subsidies. Make this doubly so when you're talking about something run by the Gov sector. There are so many loopholes on most things it's not even funny. But yes, we will Still

Umm.. we do? We haven't had "employer sponsored" insurance coverage in 4 years now. In that same 4 years, we've have coverage with 3 different companies precisely Because I shop around. Oh, that's Just health insurance mind you... I do the same for our other insurance.

Ugh. This topic just chafes my backside every which way. My wife and I have been together for 15 years now, in the time we've had 1 Major medical issue (wife tore her ACL/knee injury), and I've had 1 minor issue (tablesaw caught my thumb, needed stitches only). Most years my wife has a yearly female checkup and I..

T'was right about 1986... and it was a "portable!" Something along these lines:

Eh, since my "tooth" routine is multiple steps (waterpik, closys, brushing, Listerine, fluoride), it's a bit difficult to do IN the shower. Given the rather astounding results I've had with this routine, I'm not willing to mess with it.

So, umm... go to bed earlier? One of my jobs I found my productive sweet-spot was 7~9am... that's rough for someone who's a natural night owl. But I went to bed at 9pm, was up at 6am... after a few months, the alarm clock wasn't needed any longer as I'd just naturally wake up at 6am.

Good on you for slowing down in life. Best decision I've ever made.

I haven't morning showered in probably 2 decades, without complaint or comment (even from friends who would be honest about it). On the other hand, it's the Very last thing I do at night (er, sometimes I swap brushing teeth with showering so the teeth are last, but not often).