
It's been 7 years since the 3~6 month recommendation was given frequently... now it's 6~9 months and I've heard a few cert. financial planners strongly encourage a full year of emergency fund.

The best way it was described to me (and how I understand it) is that the specific training session had a more pronounced production/application of myelin. This occurred through a dedicated and high intensity of focus on the training tasks. I even asked the Mr Coyle about this and he said he'd heard of it before,

I'm an Olympic style pistol shooter (good enough to be invited to team tryouts, not quite good enough for the team ~ still, ranked among the best in the country), I've been educated on this matter for... geez, looks like 5~6 years now. And, at least at the upper/elite level, there are 2 ways that you Can get more

It's not that one puts it on at night, it's that one puts it on when their pits are Completely dry and clean. Takes about 45~55 minutes for me if I try to do it after a shower. I apply in the morning (Mitchum extra-strength) and shower at night (8pm-ish, about an hour before bed). I can absolutely go 2 and

You must be one of the lucky ones then because Everyone I know (15~17 people who've admitted it) who try that route, absolutely reek. They may not think so, but everyone else universally agrees....

same here. I can go all "winter" (lol, I think that's the 2nd and 3rd week in January here in GA) without noticing if the hair gets long but once temps stay above 40 at night/60 day I can feel a difference in temp. I trim my own head hair about every 3 weeks, and hit the pits every other or Maybe every 3rd time with

The other part of this is that for every year older that sunscreen gets, it's about half as effective. So the 30spf you bought last year is a 15spf this year and will be a 7spf next year.

Yup, cable TV is annoying. That was one of the things we cut (though not internet, and I don't own/use a smartphone that could replace it ~ plus I make some money online between a few websites I host/admin, a blog with advertising I make a few bucks a month off, and finding deals on motorcycles to fix/flip). Yes, we

My family lives on $30k a year. Granted, we bring in a little more than that (still less than what this lady "saved" per year) but the rest goes towards things like a 2-month skiing vacation, or a month in Germany ~ it's our one indulgence.

Just a wee bit of sarcasm. *shrug*

HaHaHaHaaa... Hohhooooooooo... oh, my sides. Please.. lol, do tell how you 'Scientifically' determine what tastes the best. Go on now. No, seriously

I guess LifeHacker missed the "America's Test Kitchen" episode where Kimball did a lemon juice taste test... Very funny because his "that's the absolute worst" pick was.. drum roll please... the fresh lemon.

Lol, no... Cowon.

I had such a Terrible experience with both an iPod and iTunes back in the early '00s that I sold the iPod and the top-tier Powerbook G4 that I'd talked my wife into trying (and I'm STILL getting crap for that $$$ mistake). While things may have gotten better since then, I'll never try again after that first

And Atlanta was just announced... looks like we will both be Easily covered in the 'Atlanta' market:

Ah, yet another opinion. Seems that, like Western Medicine, Dentistry is still "practicing" and trying to find what works. Me, I found what works for me (and my wife, who has a Totally different kind of mouth chemistry) several years back after a visit to what I now know was a "qwack" Dentist. I was searching

Yup, cut just about a year ago now and honestly don't miss it. Due to my location, the only OTA I receive is Georgia PBS and I just haven't bothered to even replace the antenna I bought and returned when testing. To date, we have tried Hulu+, Netflix, Amazon Prime and I have a Redbox trail that we still haven't

As a man with beard for ~ 20 years (yeah, I'm old... and those early years were patchy :D ) I don't agree that Daily maintenance is necessary. Well, past wetting (it's only washed about twice a week, unless I've been eating lots of soup it only needs it about twice a week since there aren't Nearly the oils on the