If you could return purchases, people would just play games for a while and then return them to get their money back. Works in real life, but would make them lose gigantic sums of money digitally.
If you could return purchases, people would just play games for a while and then return them to get their money back. Works in real life, but would make them lose gigantic sums of money digitally.
Yep, no purchase from you until they remove the option to purchase optional DLC. If I ever get this game, I'll just ignore this horrid excuse for extra content, but I'm not going to really complain about its existence to the publisher of the game.
The feathering around the hand whenever it gets in front of a simulated object makes me highly doubt the authenticity of this video, as it looks like it was rotoscoped in After Effects.
I know graphics aren't everything, but man, that game is UUUUUGLY!
Microsoft is really redeeming themselves, too bad they have already created a legion of haters that are out to get them that even exist within this comments section.
Damn. After that question at the end of the video, I suddenly crave for Scorpion as the main villain in a story arc for Snyder's Batman run.
I disagree, Scott Snyder's Batman run has been amazing so far (granted I've only read up to issue #15, but I just recently purchased issues #16-20).
This is every-person-who-loads-heavy-stuff-onto-delivery-trucks' dream!
If Kinect is mandatory, then it would obviously be sold with the console. It's not like you have to actually use it or anything, just plug it in and don't use it, it's not like it would hurt anything. I'm sure they won't require you to use Kinect with games that weren't made specifically for Kinect.
Never thought I'd see Arthas in an AC conversation :)
Of course, at least one person in Kotaku's community always has something negative to say. Most of them don't look fake, why couldn't you just talk about how amazing a lot of his creations are?
Damn, those screenshots look beautiful! At first, I wasn't excited at all by this, thinking this was going to be a rushed game, but after reading this article, I can't wait to get my hands on it! I played every console based AC from the start, and the only one I didn't love was Revelations (I thought ACIII was great).…
In case anyone hasn't seen it yet, there is a video still up, but don't post this anywhere else because I don't want it to get taken down yet:
Liberation got surprisingly lackluster reviews...
A good gaming mouse costs about the same price as a regular controller, you can just use your default keyboard as you wouldn't be at a real disadvantage, and modding is prohibited in almost every online game (unless you are speaking of skinning) .