Into the Breach!
Into the Breach!
And I’ve eaten Chipotle hundreds of times, and never gotten sick. Chipotle is as safe as any other fast casual restaurant, if not more so because of the negative publicity.
Was this game Halo 2 by any chance? Say, 11 years ago?
I pre-ordered the PS Classic, and then realized I could do the same thing with my PS3—made a list of what I wanted, saved $40. Got Crash, Spyro, Gran Turismo, plus I can use my Ps3 fight sticks for Tekken. If you’ve got a PS3, the PS Classic is a raw deal.
The insulting and factually inaccurate in-game description of Fort Wayne is bullshit. We *DO* have a dedicated sports radio station, and one of the best food scenes of any city in the Midwest. It’s fine to a poke a little fun, but this came across as unnecessarily hostile.
I love Paradise, Takedown, and Revenge—all stellar games. But Paradise is the one I always come back to, the game that shows up at parties, that is endlessly replayable. My high school exchange student and I have been visiting each other for over ten years, and we’ve made it a ritual to start the game from scratch,…
And some of us have arthritis in our hands that makes playing a 40 hour game on a console impossible. I was left out, until now, and I’m pretty excited about it.
Exactly—it was one of the only times on the trip that I got to have genuine interactions with Japanese people. There just aren’t that many other opportunities for a foreigner (particularly one speaking shoddy Japanese!) to have a real conversation. Also I loved all the different themes the bars had — The Ramones,…
Thank you! It was very cool—reggae, sochu, and damn good vegetable stew.
Kraken, while tasty, is the worst hangover fuel I’ve found yet. Seriously, a single strong Kraken drink is enough to make the next morning unpleasant.
You’re a perfect counterpoint to the nonsensical “I can’t be racist because I’m not part of systemic oppression!” argument. If you don’t realize that you’re a hateful, violent racist, you’re deluded.
This stuff is gross in the abstract on the internet; and then you go to Akihabara for the first time and see all of these 30+ men drooling over these very-young looking characters. It suddenly becomes a lot more real, and grotesque.
I think it takes some serious naivety to believe that “both sides are bad” is a myth. The democrats are sure looking rosy compared to Trump, but these are the same people that sabotaged Bernie Sanders, botched the election and got Trump in office in the first place. Their near-exclusive focus on radical identity…
How dare you slander Star Fox?! It’s still the best one in the whole series!
Yes, it really does. Rick is a God in a multiverse, with no consequences. Sure, there’s the occasional throwback to the zombie earth he left behind, but the reality is that he killed an entire planet’s worth of people, left his family in a perpetual hell, and yet is still the protagonist of the show.
I thought it was a reference to Summer(s)? Especially considering these Mortys aren’t siblings.
The Wii U did not have twice the power of an Xbox 360, and the Nintendo Switch does not have twice the power of the Wii U. The Wii U has more ram, and a somewhat better GPU than the 360, but a lower-clocked CPU with the same architecture. The Switch has ~ 30 percent more power than the Wii U. So there’s no way it has…
Children need no extra reminders about how horrible people can be. There’s school for that.
Important, or terrible?