
Who said Real Racing would ever stand up to Forza or Gran Turismo? I'm confused here. Why are we comparing serious racing sims on console to a mobile racing sim with less options? That's like comparing a motorcycle to a trike. Real Racing and other racing titles are just trying to capture the fun parts of racing

I think that depends on the customer to determine whether it should be on touch devices or not. The devs and publishers are trying because they can to see what'll do well. Apparently Real Racing did well for them critically and financially that Firemint/EA Mobile/Firemonkeys that they are on their 3rd iteration.

Thank you, that's exactly what I'm saying - if you take these games for what they are, they're actually pretty awesome. As soon as you start comparing it to console games or PC controls, or whatever other better option, then you lose the point. It's like comparing a really awesome racing bicycle, then someone comes

Yes, I'm one of them. I'm getting old and I don't have time for playing on a dedicated device any more. I just need something that will appease me for a good half hour or less at a time.

And apparently every reply so far shows that these particular commenters don't play mobile, have never played mobile, and will continue to show ignorance until they fall into it one day and go, "wow, mobile ain't so bad after all."

High Five dude, totally agree.

It definitely is! Natively, this thing is a beast, and I'm in love with it. It works really really well. It's just the resolution of the games that makes iPad the better option. Running Dead Space and Real Racing 2 on the iPad3 is way nicer looking than it is on the Nexus 7, and I am a huge tablet/iPhone gamer.

It is quite sharp natively, no doubt. I ran Dead Space and a couple of other games just updated for Nexus 7 and the most noticeable yucky parts are the fonts and textures. This is where the iPad3 excels at, especially because developers only have to worry about 2 resolutions for iPad.

I had some time to look again - when it comes to native functions, no. It's actually really sharp. It's only when it comes to games where it's really noticeable, and I am a huge tablet gamer. Just ran Dead Space and the textures/text look like crap compared to iPad3. I will say that the only reason why this

When it comes to the UI, not really. But when running games on it, it's very noticeable - text especially. I think this is because of it not being optimized like how most games are on iPad.

That still doesn't make sense, because the stock price dropped because of Zynga posting a loss. That has nothing to do with investor confidence. Investor confidence should have dropped the price before this announcement if that were really the case.

I love my Nexus 7. It is the perfect size. I also have an iPhone 4S and an iPad 3. iPad 3 would be perfect except it's a bit too big for me to hold over my head.

So does that mean Capcom is going to release the X-Men Origins compilation later with X-Men COTA and X-Men vs. Street Fighter? They should have just bunched all 4 in one.

Try getting some historical context first dude. This was the Revolutionary War, where the 13 colonies were trying to break free of British rule. If you're in a war for independence against your mother country, why would you openly learn their history? It's an us vs. them mindset, which I'm sure you would feel if