Jak II....such a horrific disappointment in retrospect.
Jak II....such a horrific disappointment in retrospect.
A good example I think is the movie The Grey with Liam Neeson
Oh gosh darn it Amazon! just get my copy of Max Payne 3 and give me that dang gift card already!
Pinkie Poison....
Whats really disappointing is that it's not called Taken 2: The Revenge.
Gifs are for squares
Not if I take out Tim Allen first.
With a 10,000 times lower budget.
Can't it be both?
1.9 gigs? Damn!
Oh no way! Spider-Man 2 was on of the few games I actively hunted the hint markers for. Just to hear Bruce Cambell's perfect voice.
I don't eat while I play games. Only when watching T.V
You mean tomorrow morning?
Yeah I don't blame I didn't word it the best.
I was just playing off the title :)
When did I say I wasn't concerned? I'm saying this sudden flare up of people doing the "Lets harass people and stay anonymous are we cool yet?" Thing is stupid.