
I reactivated an account I haven’t used to comment on this site for probably close to ten years to thank you personally.

Jurassic World is the single worst movie I have seen in my entire life, and I’m so tired of people pretending it was just simple popcorn entertainment. What was your favorite part everyone? The most

I have 6mbs internet, it took me 4 1/2 days straight to download it for Xbox one.

Maybe, But I feel like they bank of the fact people just don't want to carry around food.

I'd prefer Calvin peeing on a poorly rendered Osama Bin Laden head.

Alright I don't care much for commenting on articles anymore but I feel I need to pop in and say:

His stuff is real hit or miss to me, mostly miss but I think he's had a couple of good songs(Mostly remixes).

I didn't even know there was going to be a Zecora toy, Now Derpy? Man I wish I was going so I could get one of those.

I hear it has a lot of bugs though.

Chocolate DLC: $14.99

Well that just wasn't funny....

Episode: Action Figure confirmed.

To be fair(Not that he deserves it) EVERYONE is commenting on how bad the commenting system is.

This is why we can't have nice things.

And they wonder why people hate them sometimes :/

I really don't plan to stay here much longer to be frank("Okay can I still be Garth"....Had too)

He is, he's been on Kotaku for awhile, glad to see he stuck it out through the commenting change to keep bitching :/

Oh don't worry I'm sure he'll dismiss all these reply's anyway, I made this meme but I don't think he wants to see it :(

PyramidHeadcrab! It's good to see your still here bitching about things! and here I thought Kotaku had lost it's good commentors.