
Musk may have made his initial public comments because the Dailymail was running a story that their relationship ending due to her poor character: “he’d heard certain things about her behavior that didn’t sit well with him. Amber can be very manipulative and selfish.” A lot of people inexplicably hate Amber Heard, and

Honestly, I think we have a studio to blame for Donnie Darko being good. Southland Tales was Richard Kelly without a leash. It has the smell of hot garbage, but the texture of frozen trash.

She’s fucking dreadful.

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

I only consider “cheating” that affects muliplayer (or other players in less direct ways) to be cheating, for anything that’s single player only, I don’t really consider anything to be “cheating.” It’s your game, play however you want.

While I agree Cho’s characterization is off, Tilda is also missing the mark in these emails. Tilda is benefiting from the whitewashing of a character, but won’t look at the historical significance of this because she personally doesn’t feel that way. As a person of color, that is definitely one of the most aggravating

One difference between the C and D versions is that the regenerative cooling (which formed the traditional rings around the nozzle) moved from tubes to a channel wall design which results in a smooth exterior appearance. The design is simpler to manufacture and somewhat more robust, running the cooling fluid around

Thankfully the judge told Trump to go pound rocks and she did it in glorious fashion. Trump’s counsel also wanted the names of all the Nevada poll workers to be publicly released and the judge had an epic smackdown to that request too.

Oh, I’m sure there are lovely and perfectly functional places.

I’ve voted in about 20 elections in the UK. I’ve never queued, never taken more than 60 seconds.

You know, whether this woman was raped by Trump or she wasn’t,we may never know, but, for her to be able to know Epstein and apparently a woman who says she lured her to that life, it’s true that she was a sex slave as a child.

Mass to orbit is only expensive if you are not reusing the mass. Musk’s plan calls for reuse of the boosters up to 1,000 times.

Okay, and? Having more of an FOV doesn’t make a game better.

The legal standard is not “could they have done something to prevent it”. It is if the security they had in place was reasonable.

Rebinding does work, I don’t have this issue because I always rebind the whole scheme of every game to match a game I played in 1999 or something and my brain is stuck in that mode forever.

Hi Kristen,

I think with singular occurrences, it is easy to “remember” it when what you really remember is that you saw video of it many, many times for the rest of your life. I’d think it would be very rare for a 3-4 year old to see the Berlin Wall come down and for it to be such a moment that they’d remember it forever. I

I do think your definition is better, but I’m not sure I agree with either definition including the bit about “something the person in question cannot reasonably be expected to control.” I mean, imagine a boy who enjoys playing with Barbie dolls from time to time. Choosing to play only with other toys he also likes

The reason I probably won’t ever have Lasik is that my near-sightedness kind of grants me superhuman up close vision when I take my glasses off/contacts out. Which comes in useful when working on tiny artworks or thingamabobs, inspecting things like circuit board solder things for flaws, or being able to discern a

shitty Girls episodes