
That was my thought also. I’d go further and say that sometimes a goal of bullying is to cause that change in behaviour. The attacks against Sarkeesian are at least partly an attempt to discourage her from writing about games in the way she does, and to discourage others from doing the same thing.

Words change their meaning. Whatever word you use to refer to this thing, will eventually come to mean this thing. Then you’ll need to find another word.

Are you not enticed because you aren’t interested in porn generally, or because you think this will be inferior to normal porn?

Room scale with one camera relies on the user always facing that camera. Your video reflects that. How well it will work with two cameras is still unknown (Rift uses different technology to the Vive so may not work as well). The delays in the Rift getting the controllers out suggests they may be having trouble getting

Room-scale VR should not have that problem. The sickness is due to your eyes seeing the virtual world move while yours feel you are stationary. That disconnect doesn’t happen with the Vive’s room-scale VR, because you move through the virtual world by moving through the real world.

Room-scale VR is a fourth solution, and one that solves the nausea problem.

I was thinking something similar, except that I think it’s possible “VR experience” genre will have legs. I like games with an element of exploration, and if the sense of presence is strong enough, it may be that the experience of visiting another place might be enough without having to shoot things in it. After all,

Um, Rift are being criticised here for delivery issues. We have no idea whether HTC Vive will be better at delivering the boxes on time.

Yep. The superhuman close-up vision is also another reason I avoid contact lenses. With glasses it’s quick to switch from normal to superhuman. I don’t even need a phone box.

I hate that they are blurred out, because for me censorship is distracting. I’d rather they were allowed to wear brief swimming costumes. That way they’d still be largely exposed to the elements and have no protection against insects, thorns, sunburn etc, which I guess is the goal, and we wouldn’t need the censorship.

Naked and Afraid isn’t a dating show. It’s supposed to be about primitive survival. Being naked makes them more exposed to the elements, insects, thorns etc.

I might agree that if nude pictures of her got online by any route, it might cost her her job - if the school had not already said, “subject of the photograph is not the problem”. So that’s a red herring. Your analogy about medicinal marijuana is also a red herring: if the school bans it on school grounds, then she

That is a separate argument and you are shifting the goalposts.

2. When students were using it, with her permission, it had pornographic material on it. That could have been accessible” - That’s not something stated, or even claimed, in the article. It was claimed she’d let them use her phone in the past, but no-one claimed it had the nude photo on it at that time. Except you,

I was going to say something about how none of our police have guns. I suspect similar scenes would be darker in the USA.

That’s kinda irrelevant if he wasn’t reading the card. If the teleprompter was wrong, then whoever put the text on the teleprompter deserves a lot of the blame. Harvey’s mistake would be reading the teleprompter rather than the card, but why would he expect them to be different? If the teleprompter couldn’t have the

A young woman should be able to contact a man about a job without getting sexually explicit messages in response.

I don’t think anyone expects this one restaurant to “cause parity”. If all it achieves is letting some women do sushi, isn’t that worthwhile? It would be great if they could manage that without using positive discrimination, but it seems they can’t. They are being faced with a hard problem in an imperfect world. I

It’s not a “long run” solution. Positive discrimination is a short-term hack to partially redress the balance. It will/should be dropped when women have parity.

A lot of people seem to think it will be the driving niche. As far as I can tell, VR porn can’t yet compete with normal porn. It’s either shot with real human models and a VR camera, in which case you can’t really control your PoV (and who wants to turn around and look at the film crew?), or else its computer-rendered