
"As I have been in many cars, I am quite familiar with seatbelts" - Ding! That's the point. Car seatbelts are released by pushing a button. Aircraft belts are released by lifting. They are different. In a crisis people tend to revert to what is most familiar. There have been deaths in plane crashes attributed to

For me that was one of the darker ones, because "large amount" does not sound accidental.

Yes, it's a different genre, and one I don't much like. I like movies, but I don't like games that have pretensions to be movies. Movies are essentially passive viewing, and games are interactive, so they don't meld well. The only third person game I've played recently was Tomb Raider, and every time it took control

I'm not sure I even want to connect with the character. What I find is that third person games are less immersive. I want to experience the world myself, directly, not watch a character wander about in it. First person is, "I'll do this." Third person is, "I'll make my character do this". It is at one remove.

They consider it to be peeing. I don't know if they are right. I suspect they are right for at least some porn stars. I'd be interested if there is any good science on this. (And if there isn't, that is also interesting, since it seems to be a fairly basic piece of human biology to be left unstudied.)

Aren't Tomb Raider and Far Cry 3 counter-examples? The majority of those games have good mechanics, with rubbish QTE.

Every 15 minutes? I replaced my guns so they rarely, if ever, jammed. I got new malaria tablets when my old ones were consumed, so I was rarely bothered by that. I used the bus service to journey to far corners of the map, and then stayed off-road and away from check-points as far as possible. I think if you are

The first time I played it, I never got out of the bunker. Didn't even realise it was possible. I got bored and gave up first.

You missed the part about "except for...". Personally I like a stealth element in my combat games.

Don't jump in a car. Vehicles are noisy. Figure out where the patrols are and avoid them. Stay off the roads.

You don't have to stay in a river, but it helps to avoid the roads that have regular patrol routes. It also helps to go on foot; vehicles are noisy and attract attention. Once you realise that the guards are respawning, you should also realise that it's pointless fighting them and therefore that the game is about avoid

Once I figured out it happened, I replaced my weapons frequently and it almost never happened again. So for me it just added some tedium, and meant I would never use found weapons.

Some people sent poison-pen letters. Some people turned up outside courts to jeer at the accused, despite not being related to the victim. I suspect it's part of what drew crowds to public executions.

Shame it's third person. The bit where the camera looks over the balcony while the character remains hidden behind it; or the character hides in a drain while the camera watches the guards leave. I hard third person at the best of times, and using it for blatant cheats is the worst.

A Thief 3 level: The Cradle. This was largely about context. The Thief series are first person sneakers. Darkness is your friend. You are mostly hiding from human guards and nicking stuff. You're also tracking down an entity call the Hag, and you get a lead on a long-abandoned orphanage. The lead is decades old so the

It's a thing that happens in the game. I've played it a lot - love that game. I got to the point where once someone's wounded, rather than finish them off I'd wait for the rescuer, and then try to wound the rescuer too to get a third guy.

We went through this process in the UK recently. We ended up replacing Charles Darwin (scientist credited with discovering evolution), with Jane Austen (who wrote a novel), on £10 notes.

I was going to post the "shoot to wound" thing. Except I'd sometimes wound the rescuer too. Video games are probably the only form of art that can make you feel guilty.

Reinforcements arrive in FC3, too, if you don't disable alarms. On the second island they can include air support.

I think my view is roughly the opposite. If the "idea" of The Matrix is that reality is a dream from which we can awake, then it's not that innovative. It's very old. It's in Alice Through the Looking Glass, for example. What I liked about about the film is the cinematography.