
Isn't this what T:TSCC more or less was? Another version of history in which the events of the third and later films are averted. I loved it, and even if you didn't, the commonly raised flaws (pacing, etc) could have been fixed. The idea doesn't automatically suck.

The Final Girl has become a bit of a cliché, which doesn't bode well.

The 10th anniversary is perhaps the wrong time to make that comment. Things get celebrated on their anniversaries regardless of how old they are.

"How many kids see their mothers die each year?" - Well, that's a different argument to claiming he didn't see his mother die. And I think you are demanding a level of evidence rarely provided in movies. There was something special about the Reignmaker, and TK is the obvious ability and the only one suggested. The

Why should we listen to him? He knows nothing.

There's a wonderful bit in the TV series Ultraviolet, where what we initially think is the bad guy turns out to be a paedophile, and his child-victim was given him by the vampires to buy his cooperation. The paedo thought the child would be the perfect lover: will never tell the adults, will never get any older. Of

I've always been sympathetic towards her. She becomes more interesting than Arya to me. She has a lot of potential, and as she receives her education I am sure she will fullfill it.

If they used an apple tree, they could eat the apples.

Sure. Exhume the body, distil her DNA, and match it against every other person in the world. You should be able to detect her surviving relatives. (Assuming she was human.)

That's impressive!

He pretty much nailed my view on aliens. Life is common, multi-cellular life is rare, life with at least human-level intelligence extremely rare. If there's any out there now, it's probably too far away for meaningful contact.

"Do we know Cyd watched his mother get shot in the original timeline? We don't know." - Actually we do know, because Cyd tells us, and his mother confirms it.

"Some of these guys may be looking for reassurance that girls really are sexual creatures, but many seem to be trying to feed their own masturbatory fantasies." - at least one sex guide recommends that the man watch the woman masturbate as a way to learn what pleases her.

With a lot of SF/F shows, the pilot has to work hard setting up the premise and introducing the characters, so is untypical of a normal episode. The next episode or two the actors and writers are still finding their voice. Sometimes the fourth episode is the charm.

Do you ever get excited? It's almost the same thing. Adrenaline and other hormones at work. Whether you experience them as fear or excited anticipation is a matter of how your brain interprets the chemistry.

As I understand it, the belief is that building good AI requires intelligence. Once we have an AI that is slightly smarter than ourselves, it will be able to build another AI slightly smarter than itself, and so on - a cascade of AI generations each smarter than the previous one. And further, Moore's Law means that

I'm not going to subscribe to Facebook just to answer a question like this. Why Facebook, anyway? Is it because its commenting system doesn't such as much as this one?

"I get violently by friends" - I think you missed a word, probably "killed". I'm guessing you didn't notice. Do you think the word omitted was by chance, or a Freudian slip?

The Reignmaker is mentioned quite early on, as being the reason all the loops are being closed. The film turns into a hunt for him quite gradually. I'm really surprised to see you say it didn't fit.

Spoilers... It made no sense to me because of the casual way we see them carry around guns in the future. What are they for if not killing? We even see them used to kill future Joe's wife. Why was it OK to kill her but not Joe?