
That's all very interesting, but what I want to know is, how did the mammoths cause the ice age?

The Blair Witch Project is one of those films that's not self-contained. It came with a big internet campaign, and the witch was a part of that. Even within the film, there are insinuations of time travel and/or geographical distortions, and the magic is real.

I don't think subtitles affect the mood of [REC]. You can suppose they were added after the footage was found, if that's an issue; for me they are almost transparent.

Why does light move slower when it travels through a medium? Presumably because it is interacting with the medium somehow. I don't know whether it is being adsorbed and then re-emitted, or "bouncing off", or what, but it seems plausible that it is having interactions that slow it down and between those interactions it

Kudos for starting the title with the word "No". (As opposed to making the title a question with the answer "no".)

You sort-of have some privacy by virtue of nobody else being very interested in you. If you do something interesting, for example that lady who fell into the fountain, or the one who put the cat in the wheelie bin, then you may discover you had no privacy because that clip gets a million hits on YouTube.

I'm mildly surprised that people are thinking of Ouija boards as a toy/game. In the UK they are mostly seen as serious occult paraphernalia. Ever since The Exorcist.

Hey! Britain was valuable. We had the biggest copper mine of Europe in North Wales, and tin mines in Cornwall so all you need to make bronze; gold in Wales, and we produced some of the best slaves, too. (Where-as Scotland wasn't worth bothering with, so the Romans didn't bother.)

'And her whole "getting in trouble at school for going on about the Doctor" thing kind of annoyed me too - especially in retrospect, when you realize she's nattering about the man she's programmed to murder.' - For me it was the opposite. When she was just a bratty kid, her going on about Amy's imaginary friend seemed

When we meet Rory and Amy, they are kind-of rampaging. They made the crop circles to get the Doctor's attention to demand to know why he hadn't come back with their daughter yet. There wasn't much more they could do than that. And then Mels turned up and it got too fast-paced for them to return to that subject.

For me the problem was not the character but the actress. She brought a lot of baggage to the role. She was a comedienne with a sketch show series, and whenever she got emotional in Dr Who she started shouting, and then she sounded exactly like one of her comedy characters. Which ruined it.

The best I've seen was mostly writing. It went, "Dumbledy-dum, Dumbledy-dum. Dumbledy-dum, Dumbledy-dum. Dumbledy-dum, Dumbledy-dum. Wheeeeoooooo!"

I once - in the UK - got surveyed. A woman with a clipboard came to the door and asked me what I'd watched recently, and wrote it down. It was a while ago, but I've always figured they still did that in order to help cross-check the figures they get from the boxes. Relying on any single source would be foolish.

And this applies to Fringe too. For example, they don't care about basic science like conservation of mass/energy if it's at all inconvenient.

I'm in the UK, which is also in the middle of a plate. We still have earthquakes but they are small. Apparently there are fault-lines in the plate stretching across Europe from Mt Everest, and these shift. Historically a 5.6 quake is a once-a-century event. Although geologists know nothing, and the fact that we are

That his broom came from his godfather doesn't reduce his privilege. Likewise where his wand comes from. The point remains: he had better kit than the other kids. Nor does what he chooses to do with the money change the fact that he had a lot of money. His relationship with people like Hagrid and the headmaster seemed

It was one of the ideas in Chronenberg's Shivers. A parasite is spread sexually, and also causes its host to be more promiscuous. I've seen claims that syphilis does the same.

I found most of them unappealing, except insofar as they depicted attractive females. The blood and vampire aspect added nothing.

Some of this was covered by Bang Goes the Theory last week (s5ep1). Jem was able to grow and extract diamonds from an oxy-acetylene flame. []

If you're including the grasp reflex, you should also consider the baby dive reflex. If you submerge a new-born baby under water, its throat closes to prevent it breathing the water. They lose it after a few months. It's really only vestigial in cultures that don't dunk their babies.