Honestly, was fully expecting to get Rickrolled by at least one of those clips.
Honestly, was fully expecting to get Rickrolled by at least one of those clips.
“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or…
A couple of years ago my son and I were killing time while my wife was getting her hair done. We were walking towards a Starbucks to get the boy a chocolate milk when I spotted Dick freaking Enberg walking at us towards the door of the Starbucks as well. I slowed down so that Dick and his assistant would reach the…
Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.
+1:100 scale
I love the genuine shock and glee of the emcee even more.
Jesus, there’s even halftime shot truthers.
Yeah, but at least this guy gave the Nucks fans something to cheer.
They made another nice switch to color code completed locations to yellow instead of graying them out like they were before. Now it’s much easier to see what you have and haven’t done.
Best part of this story . . . “intellectual enjoyment”
The Special One Percent
Tyler Stewart had been working since 5 a.m. and had just finished his shift filling vending machines when he got the…
first season prediction: they maximize myriad robust synergies whilst simultaneously leveraging pre-existing yet forward looking infrastructure methodologies. also, lose a lot.
You blew a once in a lifetime headline.
Jim Nabors died today at the age of 87, his husband said, after being in declining health for a year. And while he…
I’m not into esports myself, but seeing Deadspin commenters getting triggered by the mere presence of esports articles has become one of my favorite things on the site.
“...where the women are strong, mainly from fighting off unwanted sexual advances.”
I love Fuzzy beverages!
About 20 years ago or so I ran into him in a bar in NYC. My friends had set me up on a date and the guy ditched me and we had suddenly become five instead of six. So I kind of wandered around while my friends were with their boyfriends and I (literally) ran into David Cassidy. I looked up and then laughed and then,…
This is probably the most satisfying conclusion to a column.