Twice even, impressive.
Twice even, impressive.
Where are Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel?
He was hacked!~
She is a porn star dick head. That's her chosen profession. What the fuck is your point?
OK, this is horrible, but she has also retweeted him many times in early August, some very explicitly - so the breaking up part in May is really hard to believe. That being said, fuck that guy, he's a bag of shit.
Why the fuck would Ward run out in the middle of the track like that? Pretty brutal, nonetheless.
That's a pretty good vagina if you ask me.
Those guys still play in the NBA? Will they get fined if they use the N word?
Do they get fined if they were talking about their vacation in Niger?
What if they are talking about all of the Negra Modellas they drank the previous night. Is that ok?
Because, Twins. Hoey for Hardy. Thanks, Twin Cities. Guess they thought they were getting a great team hooker?
It's like watching 300 all over again.
Good pull of Archer pimping.
So you can only smoke a little bit of weed in the NFL, just don't smoke A LOT!~ Idiots.
I kept waiting for Nick to ask her, "then why did you let me put it in your butt??"
A can of Coke, obviously.
But the Russian-China tag team is the real threat...well, and Ebola.
How many games did Rae Carruth, Ray Lewis and Jovan Belcher get suspended for, I forget...
Actually, it wasn't until Michelle Beadle called him out did SAS even attempt to apologize.
You'd think she would have turned the radio down at least.