For what it's worth, Jim McMahon has an eye condition and wears the sunglasses all the time because his eyes are very light sensitive. So he has an excuse on that.
For what it's worth, Jim McMahon has an eye condition and wears the sunglasses all the time because his eyes are very light sensitive. So he has an excuse on that.
Just out of curiosity is this considered a pitch? Interference? A regular pitch-out? I couldn't tell whether Chen steps off the rubber before delivering.
That's a 13% tip. It may not be a great tip, but it's not bad enough to be newsworthy.
I dunno...maybe the tip was warranted considering Melissa seems to be a crazy bitch.
10$ on a 76$ tab?
I don't get it, either. First, the guy isn't a public figure. His dad is barely a public figure, so this is a real stretch.
Am I the only one who thinks this is kind of wrong of Deadspin? It's not even the famous guy himself, it's his son... Getting dirt to make fun of the kid is cruel and unnecessary.
This is not news.
We should do that, for kids who can't read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too.
Jesus Christ, Timothy. Do you realize how many training sessions of Luminosity I'll need to get those brain cells back?
"create education better"
I couldn't disagree more. This is awesome. Plus, imagine what the list looked like for Game 1. You'd need a legal pad.
Wait...are we ignoring Chicago's second goal that was, for some bullshit reason, waived off?
Schwab was laid off ... from what? That show's not anymore, is it? What was he doing?
Next on ESPN - Who's More Tim? Duncan or Tebow?
I wonder if this guy got excited.
I know Deadspin loves to make fun of other writers, but this is actually a really good article. Props to Joe Posnanski.