They definitely fade a lot as you get older, especially if you wear makeup/SPF moisturiser etc daily. I was a massive freckle face as a kid but now they are only visible on my nose and cheeks and they are heaps lighter. Still have them on arms and shoulders though.
At 32, PrettyTarheel's freckles were still attractive.
A lot of people have them from sun exposure so as you age and get smarter about sunscreen, they tend to fade away. Others lighten them. I still see a lot though...mostly when I look in the mirror!
I'm a ginger, so freckles will always be part of my life—but I don't think I've ever "lost" a freckle.
I didn't have a -ton- of freckles as a child, and I still don't now (I'm that odd ginger who tans rather than assumes "cooked lobster form" due to sun exposure), but those that I do possess have either gotten darker…
I'm in my late 30's and I feel like I'm more noticeably freckled now than I was when I was young (I'm probably a touch lighter than her). Just the other day, this TSA dude joked if I had any I could spare, since I obviously have A TON to spare from head to foot.
How are people not completely humbled by parenthood? How does someone dare to say, outside of a few obvious things, they know the right way of doing it?
He really did. I was impressed; he brought a lot of poignancy to a character that easily could've been unlikeable.
I know exactly what you're talking about!
I'm always happy to share the weird stories of my dating life. on another note, I just looked at my messages to see what the email said, but his account is gone! Or at least as far as I can tell. This happened a couple weeks ago, so maybe it got shut down? I DID manage to save a screenshot of his profile though.
Welp. I think that's enough internet for him forever.
One need only look to the comment section of Jezebel with people snarkily correcting minor errors to see the number of people who believe that writing is a scientific game of putting the "right" words on paper in the "right" way and not an actual art.
When I was a reporter, I met so many people who would say "Oh, I have a book all written. It's in my head. I just have to put it on paper." No, you do NOT have a book all written. Because that involves WRITING. What you have are called "thoughts."
Please tell me you have seen this one. It even addresses the "That's what editors are for" thing.
Nice bait and switch. It's possible they were both asked not to speak Spanish and were rude and disrespectful. Its possible everyone in this sitation acted like assholes and the unprofessional performance has nothing to do with the Spanish incident. Can we have some outrage for once that isn't easy to deflate by…
That's a whole different kettle of fish that I lack the time and expertise to deal with. If you want to write a post about cis-gendered games please feel free. Kinja's for everyone.
See, that's what I've never understood about lesbians. How do they decide which one gets to wear the black lingerie and which one wears the white lingerie. Do they trade off? Is it like chess where one of them puts part of each set in a hand and the other one chooses? Or in every relationship is there one good lesbian…
I dunno, he looks like he's concentrating to see from that distance. I think she's showing them something. She's holding her phone so that they can see.
"I fart a lot".