Definitely the more sensible and economical route, for sure, but provides less "novelty excitement" of a surprise box, there's less likelihood of your trying something you don't expect to like and finding out you do, and (my main reason):
Definitely the more sensible and economical route, for sure, but provides less "novelty excitement" of a surprise box, there's less likelihood of your trying something you don't expect to like and finding out you do, and (my main reason):
Hadn't heard of that one, thanks!
Interesting! thanks for the feedback, it helps.
"Dudes. I am moist." is my very favorite sentence of the day.
THAT's the one I was trying to remember, thank you! There was an old open thread convo on here where people were discussing it, but all my searches tended to pop up Birchbox.
Wait — is that true?
Awkward placement and positioning. I feel like we're about to watch a reverse birth.
GAHHHHHH!!! Your last sentence is going to give me nightmares.
Interesting! Thank you for that.
An aggravated stalking charge actually makes a good deal of sense, and sounds more grounded than the 'cyberbullying' the media usually terms it.
Rapists aren't a monolithic group or representative of one set psychology, obviously, so I'm sure there are different justifications in different cases — but, I can say that when my friend was date raped, her attacker WALKED HER TO HER CAR afterwards "to make sure she got home safe, because there are some sketchy…
Confession: I misread "squints" as SQUIRTS and was suddenly both horribly confused and mildly nauseous over your comment and apparent fig-leaf fetish.
Courtney says phbbbbtttt.
Wait... there's another way to type?
I have no idea why, but my first take was "Anna Karenina meets Sexy Russian Spy".
This article isn't about that, though (and I fully agree with you on your point, btw). YA has been around for a while, but this article is about the newer phenom of adult women being a big part of the success of YA in books and on screen.
Here's a possible downside to supporting YA (says this cranky olds): when we adults vote with our dollars and say the heroes and heroines we most want to see and read are all under 25, that is where the publishing/television/film industries will put their money into selling & showing us.
This is genuinely (pleasingly) shocking for me to hear — even after I saw the inside showcased on an ep of Top Chef, I still picked up an "I bet it's sad and creepy there" vibe, somehow.