Clever deflection, Lindy.
Clever deflection, Lindy.
Like "Dragons Sexing Cars"?
Ha, the "eh" is about my level of energy on this, as well. Video aside, it's more a general commentary on the "my bitches are hot, dance for the people" attitude that I'm noticing coming from "sexxay" female vocalists to their "sexxay" back up dancers that just kind of annoys me. It's the power differential. They…
I actually mildly like her (is that a thing, "mild like"?? I'm just too lazy these days to invest in following anyone with much passion, so my best response is basically , "meh, you seem okay".) Partly I just appreciate that she's had a sort of unabashed sexuality which at least provides a much needed counterpoint…
"I bet you never seen bitches twerk on water. My bitches twerk on water," says Rihanna."
Y'know who I think of as a wise sage, known for his political acumen? Rob Schneider.
I... can't think of a single person I've met who has been monogamous because of a lack of options. Options are everrrrywhere, which is why monogamy is so hard and so many people cheat. Who are these strange beasts you speak of, who can't seem to get random sex, yet somehow have snared someone into promising fidelity…
Yeahhh, daily blowjobs sound boring for everyone involved. Routine is the enemy of satisfaction, crazy lady.
Yeahhh, daily blowjobs sound boring for everyone involved. Routine is the enemy of satisfaction, crazy lady.
Not to take away from the horribleness of that, but my inner geek wants to tell you that you have a very cool sounding job. That is, when the government lets you do it...
Yup. She may refuse to grow up, but it would appear that she has already grown old.
Uh, if he has to explain it to you then you're already a slut. Gahd.
"I just don't think I can get behind this" is pretty much my reaction to every single one of these entries so far. It's been weirdly consistent. I'm beginning to feel either trolled, or deficient!
I always fuck to a laughtrack. But it's my own.
I hope his last name is pronounced "hiney". Because I am five.