
I once stood up after fellating my boyfriend on his couch... only to discover the bigass cockroach I had crushed under my knee during the BJ.

If it helps to ease your stress, remind yourself that you are entirely in control of how you choose to address this, and that you have options. Your 3 main options, as I see them: 1) say nothing. 2) address it in writing via a brief email. 3) address it in person.


(Psst, I totally married a guy in real estate, so young horny me clearly didn't know what she was talking about with her "wish lists" and "will not bang" lists, anyway, heh)

I've never tried the commentary! My guilty Bad Mom confession is LOTR related, though: my four yr old wandered downstairs while the husband and I were watching the Hobbit on DVD. It was basically mid Orc slaughter-age. By the time we noticed her wee face she should have been traumatized but instead was super

I'm a fan of prunes and other dried fruits. Just don't over do it: cramp city.

I have a friend who is a series lead now but didn't start acting until her mid 20s, after getting a degree in something else entirely. It happens. Others have mentioned how rare and hard it is, so I won't bother chiming in on that part, I'm sure you're already cognizant.

Sales doesn't light my fire (especially real estate or cars) but I take it on a case by case basis.

Some of my favorite peeps are Grey.

I used to drive. I was an anxious and not very good driver. People would yell or honk angrily at me and I wouldn't know why. My husband would tell me I was veering into the right lane and i'd tell him, but to me it looks like I'm veering into the left!! (Depth perception issues.) The only accidents I got into,

That explains so much! I used to watch his "old" (UK) show all the time and really liked it/him, and then it seemed like he became this vicious asshole overnight. I hadn't factored in the US angle. Yeesh. (Then again, unless he breaks 'character' when they yell cut and hugs everyone, not sure there's more than a

Hey, thanks for that! hadn't heard about his book but love Samuelsson, so will go hunt it down. Is it a memoir, or mostly about food?

How could it be shocking to you that he's a huge wanker, though? Is that "entitled lad" thing not just his basic persona?

I will say, one area that makes me feel for her is in the mental health arena.

She also has endorsements, does she not? Any word on those, yet?

I like your take. Apologies shouldn't be given as payment in advance to buy oneself some forgiveness. They should be given because yo ass transgressed and you know apologies are due, to help others feel better but also in an effort to be a decent, growing human being.

Public shaming is a mixed blessing. It teaches people what things are the wrong things to say... in public. But it doesn't touch the underlying foundation of shit that their racist beliefs are built on. It just teaches them to hide better amongst the rest of us. And how to invent new words rather than just,

I think teaching about this stuff starts early. My husband is a joiner (football, frat, etc). I am decidedly NOT.

Ia that Robyn's kid? if not, can she adopt him? Because they would be an unstoppable team of awesome.

Flim Flam Scam Sham!