
You are not being a selfish asshole. Marriage is a sexual union, not platonic. Assuming you're a man: if you were suddenly impotent and rejecting her advances out of shame, would she not want to discuss that eventually? When one partner is experiencing drastically reduced libido or sexual dysfunction, after a

I was skimming the original, so I first read it like this, and loved it:

The bunga bunga parties were all "staffed" by willing participants though, I thought? So, I'm not getting why they linked it with images of tied up and kidnapped women, jsut really odd to me. They could have just gone with "Enough room to take the party on the road" and had sexy women making out in the back while

HA! Okay, I totally missed that. I promptly paged-up to the illustration and "UGH, you dick" is totally fucking spot on.

Good point, thanks — sometimes I forget how much broken telephone there can be between the offered links and Gawker/Jez synopsis.

Hm. Isn't fifteen years (minimum) kind of low for a person convicted of killing and then EATING someone?

Agreed. I was really happy they didn't just drop a third white character in, and the fact that Coach and Winston are related is great because it allows some organic ways to at least bring Wayans jr. back as a semi regular if H.E. endings, BUT...

YES. We need to make this happen, y'all. Like I said, Winston has grown on me but it's like they still don't know what to do with his character (he can't be an aggressive alpha like Coach, or horny neurotic like Shmidt, or curmudgeonly charmer like Nick, so he's just... "bland guy"). But, I have a suspicion that if

Wait. Super Important Q: would the death of H.E. mean Damon Wayans Jr would return to New Girl??

Do it, do it! If it's good enough for Dame Bynes...

Hmm. OR, maybe she was trying to say she wanted him to MARRY her vagina. That's definitely it.

HPV strains cause genital warts. Hetero men definitely get those.

Always makes me think of Eva Peron. Both of Juan Peron's wives died from aggressive cervical cancer; some have speculated Juan Peron carried a virulent HPV strain and unwittingly infected both of them. ( )