
Some magazine did a do-over and had her hair straight and modern-looking and that disappeared, stat. I guess God and Jim Bob agree on that early 90s look.

Humor me. Put one finger over one side of her face at a time. One side shows just what you said — all sweetness and light; the other side is darker and shows anxiety and pain — almost fear.

SO well put.

More like, “gedoff my lawn, yer blocking my awe-inspiring sunset.”

Heh. Clicked on the link, now I’m getting naughty Halloween costume pop-ups all over. Yay cookies.

Ain’t that the truth? It’s not just frightening for the human and female toll, but that economic statistics show that gender equality has a huge impact on GDP. Mind-boggling. Like a huge black hole sucking us back to the middle ages.

Let’s do a White Paper on our very own Staff Perv!

...and prominent Republicans!!! And Josh was working for the Family Research Council!!!

The hiding it for years is just the icing on the cake made of sordid.

... what?

It’s all about Jim Bob’s mammoth ego, and massive amounts of money.

Do it! Own it! Be sure to accompany it with a Royal lift of the chin.

Actually, an editor at a publishing company told me it was a sign of intelligence... that your reading comprehension is way ahead of your daily use of the word in conversation. So mispronounce away, and if anybody titters, just tell them how lofty is your mind.

Who knew that menu covers could be WMDs.

They were a strange family. Small as I was, I had the instinct to avoid them. I don’t think the implications of the paper bag thing struck me until decades later.

When I was around nine years old, a kid in the neighborhood used to put a paper bag over his head, with eye slits, while he stared at little girls. I was too young to know the term “sexual deviancy” but his demeanor gave me the creeps, and I stopped hanging out with him and his sister. Fast forward a few decades, and

Hiding some larger unpleasant and/or disgusting truths, maybe? Newton’s Law of Hypocrisy (the greater the sanctimony, the greater likelihood of skeletons in the closet) has me seriously thinking there are more hidden issues with this whacko crew.

They should just re-brand the show as 19 Offenses Against Nature and forge ahead.

Tell me they didn’t set off all kinds of alarm bells the minute they hit the air? C’mon, all that wholesome, dead-eyed perfection... you knew shit was going to get real at some point, I’m just surprised it took so long.