
People who talk the talk and can’t walk the walk are not’humble.’ Rex Ryan took a drive, here, stopped his car and offered $650k for a house (cash! and that buys a lot of house in these parts) to a homeowner mowing the lawn (offer was accepted). He’s not about ‘the common man’ or his players, he’s all about the money.

Well played, Boo Boo. Well played.

Oh, hope they DO pair him up with Bristol Palin and re-title the show “Dancing With The Douchebags.” Which it (the show) has been longing to be re-named for quite some time.

On dressing modestly, by choice:

Anybody who pressures you to behave in a way that makes you uncomfortable is both undermining and bullying you. Not just with the alcohol, WATCH your back around these people - it’s not a good situation.

It all came across as if they were using all the products you listed for mutual masturbation. Really squicky. Goodness, I did not realize she has an ego equal to or larger than his. I do believe she’s jumped the shark — the same one that I hope EATS him.

The baby shall be born! And will see Mommy’s enhanced tits and re-create her lip-licking expression! And everyone will be creeped out except clueless Courtney.

“Catch and release” is not so easy with deer. Ask any hunter. And that’s a lot of high-quality protein (grass- and landscaping-fed) that could be distributed to food pantries.

Read the article with a feeling of sadness but the word you used, “grooming,” brought me up short.

Dear God, this struck a nerve. Don’t worry about being a Dad, Mark - you will do just fine.

I dunno how or why that sh!t happens but it does. A woman I’ve known from childhood who is a Perfect Stunning Talented Warm Loving Goddess was cheated on by her husband (with someone who couldn’t reach her on any level no-how, no-way). Her eejit husband was this perfectionist but perfect did not seem to cut it. Happy

Dude. Defining a city by asshole tailgating videos is pretty damn shallow.

You have an perfect name for a total stranger to ask you for a favor: please allow the door to hit me on the ass on my way out. KTHXBAI.

Tip Two: (a freebie): if you have a list of X things to do, prioritize and cross off the last one. INSTANT stress reliever, esp. during the holidays.

After my first husband died (suddenly, and in front of me), everyone was giving me advice about how to grieve. The only two useful pieces were:

Yes, this is planting time for bulbs. But don’t feel like you’ve missed out — you can buy a pot of them when you see them in the spring, stick them in the ground, and keep them watered. (This tip from my upcoming Little Book of Not Making Yourself Feel Guilty or Inadequate.)


There was most definitely a “white lady condescends” aspect to the entire thing that was extremely disturbing (not that the entire affair wasn’t sordid). The woman is delusional.

Please allow me to overthink this alongside you. The entire thing about “most beautiful” is in the eye of the beholder, and fuck beauty standards, anyway. I’ve known some people (male AND female) who had conventional, even spectacular good looks but so much emptiness behind their eyes it was a hollow beauty. OTOH,

Do monsters need excuses? Or are they just... monsters.