
How’s the structural integrity of the roof? Because with those wheels, that climbing ability, and my propensity to do stupid shit, it’s a very real factor

That’s a common misconception. So long as you drill at least 800 feet into the asteroid, it works fine.

Can't we just send Bruce Willis?

Did Armageddon teach us nothing?

Not really. Think about the size asteroid they’re talking about, 50 meters. There’s no doubt that a nuclear explosion could vaporize/destroy a target of that size. Now when you get into really large asteroids, miles across, that’s a different story.

Matt, Chris HARRIS and Sabine. That I would love to see.

So, does this mean that the FR-S will be renamed the GT-86 as it is everywhere else?


Russian Arctic Brigade.

Vietnam couldn't afford shit, and they kicked our ass using the advantage of local knowledge and cheap ingenuity.

And it helps that a dog or a reindeer will still function without fail in subzero weather if you give it enough food and sufficient shelter from the cold during its downtime.

you ever tried to start a diesel truck at -50 C? Cause I guarantee you, I’d rather have a dog team or reindeer.

But when trapped in a blizzard on the tundra its hard to eat a snowmobile

Land Over?

“Ran when parked. Musty smell from spilled water bottle. Low miles. Serious offers only.”

It was really quite an achievement and provide lots of high speed cornering entertainment.

The Toyota Blizzard Turbo was like a Jeep Wrangler but, you know, “jdm af.” [Image: Toyota]