
Fallout 4 might have missed out on GOTY (booo!) but it sure as hell must win ‘crafting/survival/basebuilder’ of the year!

Kotaku never approves of my comments.

They’re street legal vehicles and they’re (supposed to be) obeying all traffic laws when on the open public roads. It’s not really any different than stage rally cars driving in traffic when transiting between stages.

He did a phone interview on French TV. Baud was on the piste, doing something like 140/150 kph when the shepperd wandered in front of the car, looking at the ground. Baud wanted to avoid him going to the side, but he couldn’t because of big ditches that would have caused the car to flip (and most likely resulting in

Internet commenter logic: jumping to conclusions and blaming the entire event for the actions of individuals.

She likely works at the front desk, which means she probably does quite alot for the company.

What is WITH that outfit though... did they pay extra to have her wear that during the delivery?

Then she’d be dressed like this:

Still waiting for a Grand Caravan Town and Country Pacifica Hellcat.

Wow what a mess. Movement Discipline (congregating behind walls of unknown construction, moving in front of doors and windows to rooms that haven’t been cleared/secured), Light Discipline (keeping lights and lasers on even if they aren’t illuminating anything, which makes you a target for friend and foe alike and

Ever fired a gun indoors? You wouldn’t even hear a smoke detector going off ...

Viewer discretion advised, this is violent footage”

Smoke detectors are rarely used in homes in Mexico, since most of them are made of concrete and less prone to full-scale fires.

According to how I play Call of Duty, they didn’t throw enough grenades.

Waiting for the Tier -4 Operationally Operational Operators to come in and tell us what was done wrong.

Mexican Navy commandos are about as “elite” as the Haitian Delta Force.

With all the smoke and dust, I was kind of waiting for a smoke detector to go off. Imagine how much more chaotic that would’ve been if that were the case? It’s intense the way it is!

I’m no expert but why don’t they use SMG’s?

Ever seen Behind Enemy Lines? The badass team leader always wears a track suit.

You are one giant pussy sir, it only takes a little common sense to drive a 400 Hp car. I did today, in the rain. I'm still alive.