Modern smart artillery can take over some of the roles too, for that matter, especially tank plinking and danger-close CAS.
Modern smart artillery can take over some of the roles too, for that matter, especially tank plinking and danger-close CAS.
I understand the many missions an A-10 can perform. But these same missions can be performed with a combination of platforms including UAVs, combat helos, and even light aircraft such as the Super Tucano.
3 hours in Home Depot? How about 30 minutes?
The Oatmeal is one of the most popular webcomics on this whole interconnected fax-machine-and-hair-dryers network we…
My cabover affectations are no secret on this site — I love the incredible use of space cabover designs offer, and…
Countach. You have to hang out of it in order to see behind you.
Russian ... ESL.
If they hadn't brought it on themselves, they wouldn't be the butt. Behold, internet snark! Enzo never envisioned this.
I heard Ferrari will do this, but the parents have to be prior Ferrari owners and submit personal financial statements and three years of tax returns before Ferrari will even consider it. Plus a signed contract on a model year 2021 Ferrari 496 Cavatappi with nonrefundable deposit. And then they'll show some love.
You got a weird feeling about the hotel but were fine with spending time in a 944?
Maybe I'm being too nitpicky here. Maybe I don't know anything about car design. Hell, I'd rather have a car with a good set of buttons and a workable radio than a screen and an infotainment system, but that's not the way things are going.
My next bike sure did. ;-)
Late one fall I decided to get up early and ride the motorcycle up Mt. Evans (and then back down and up over Trail Ridge and back home) nice and early before all the tourists got up and clogged the roads. Turns out it was the last day Mt. Evans was open for the season.
The frost heaves in the road near the lake make this a particularly exciting drive if you've got a low ground-clearance motorcycle (unless they've finally fixed them). On my old BMW F650 with plenty of suspension they were entertaining as all get-out, even if that poor single was wheezing it's last breath. On my…