Decades of corporate douchebaggery tend to turn your chill-as-fuck strut into an angry, I'm-too-busy-for-this-shit stomp.
I was totally distracted by her glorious afro.
Why do we work so hard? So we can watch our boss parade around his pool in shorts ranting about why France doesn't…
There are more Little Blue Truck books also.
Lay off the horn, lady, no need to get all honky! What do you mean I brought race into this? The price is too high? Stop being so niggardly! You think you found the chink in my armor, but I'm better than that. Great, now it's raining and it'll be wet back to the dealership.
"A good reading copy. May contain markings or be a withdrawn library copy. Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks."
base 9, because all mechanics and shop teachers have lost a finger
I loved the sound track they chose.
Damn..... so much hatred already. you guys make me full of disappoint. the whole point is look at that kids face! its awesome! and its closed track. So whats the big deal?!
I have no photoshop at the moment. Can you do the same, but with Samuel L. Jackson's head?