Good luck and please post pics once you get them. :) And try to find a piercing place in your area that uses a needle, NOT a gun. Needles are much more sanitary.
Good luck and please post pics once you get them. :) And try to find a piercing place in your area that uses a needle, NOT a gun. Needles are much more sanitary.
Recently read Doing Harm by Maya Dusenbery and it was infuriating to read that many doctors are taught (either overtly or through implied knowledge) that women are faking symptoms, over-reporting pain and are in general just pains in the ass that doctors have to put up with but not respect. Times are starting to…
Exactly. How hard is it to share a little credit with the dead woman who spent years working on the case?
Yesterday was the first time I heard about this killer and all that; but it seemed like HUGE news and I wanted to support McNamara even if she’s gone so I went and bought the book. This cop is making me want to kick him in the teeth.
It’s weird that she keeps picking such lackluster movie scripts. I think her TV show is really funny and often insightful, and a better fit for her. But she really can’t seem to capture that on the big screen. All of her movies have basically the same review- she’s doing the best with what she was given. Why? It’s not…
Thank you for articulating what bugged me about the trailer.
The thing that bothers me about this movie is that Amy’s character views herself as “fat” and “not fit”, in the trailer during the bikini contest she has a fit stomach, It’s flat and Inthink she may even have a two pack, no she’s not a size 2 but she actually has a very fit body, and viewers are supposed to view her…
Even his small part in Sisters was freaking hilarious. “My safe word is keep going”
I haven’t seen the movie, but the premise is backwards. It’s basically saying that the issue is a lack of self-confidence, and that women are holding themselves back. “If you simply act pretty and confident, that bartender will see you! You’ll get that promotion!” This doesn’t actually address the issue of our culture…
Something I thought I’d never hear myself say, “I’m not too big of a fan of John Cena, the wrestler, but I LOVE John Cena, The Actor”
I agree with this! I don’t hate Amy at all, and I have liked her a lot in other things (except Snatched, which truly was bad, poor Goldie). But I don’t think she’s beautiful in the Hollywood way either. She’s average-looking absolutely. Frankly, the jokes I’ve seen in the trailer where she’s in her trance and is…
You know what I can’t stand in all of this? Yes, Amy Shumar is pretty for the average woman...but by Hollywood standards, she is not objectively beautiful. And why do we all have to pretend that she is? Why can’t she just be a normal looking woman who is a movie star? There’s plenty of average guy movie stars that we…
Objectively, Amy is skinnier and fitter than most American women her age. It feels a little surreal thinking of this movie as empowering, when much of its target audience dreams of looking like Amy.
Yeah, some 3 year olds are traumatized by divorce alone, this kid who just shot pregnant mama and is now in CPS separated from only caregivers they have ever had will be A-Ok according to you. Whew!
Another traumatized child thanks to dad’s need for a second dick. I still think about the 9 YO who shot dead her gun instructor with an Uzi (if that is not spelled right, who cares?) all because her parents probably wanted cool Facebook photos of their daughter. Guns are stupid. Yes. All of them.
Worldwide, the zealots of every religious variety are all about fucking the children.
Get on an HRT plan (hormone replacement therapy). It works. When your estrogen drops, you get hot flashes. Transdermal patches are where it’s at for estrodial replacement. You put a patch either over your ovary on your front or your back. It doesn’t go through your liver. Completely bio-identical and completely safe.
Try some Holy Basil. Two caplets before bed will keep you from getting up during that shitty 3a-5a window wanting to die.
OK, WTF with hot flashes?