
To me porn is like alcohol. Alcohol also is a major contributor to abusive behavior and so we educate children on responsible consumption, put an age limit on it, and treat those who with issues. Our country’s complete inability to have a uniform and effective sexual education program certainly doesn’t help when it

How about the inverse? I’m a man who’s partner enjoys pornography. It’s had absolutely zero impact on our relationship.

I hope Justin knows that LeBron saved him from a epic twitter drag

Are you telling us Jesus isn’t white? My 1982 St Joseph’s Catechism clearly shows Jesus with fair skin and blue eyes, like all Jews have. You must be an athiest heretic.

The Taxpayers are paying off the family the cops who are responsible for the mans death will face no consequences , they can keep their jobs or go on to work at other PD, . full salary, vacation and their pensions.

From this convention, the general tone i get is that white people are afraid of everyone not like them.

I want to disagree with this take buuuuuuuut I really can’t

I def agree with this in general. he also seems like a shithead. so I’m really not rooting for anyone in any of this.

Meh. They are. They like hiding behind their whiteness and will use like a sword when they see fit. First exhibit: Taylor Swift and Kanye.

Yeah, this is why POC shouldn’t date white people.

How are they being held accountable???

No, it’s not the same as a criminal prosecution. It’s basically no punishment at all. The damages, which are obviously due, will be paid by the tax payers and the police department won’t see a cut in their budgets and they will just do it again. Just like the last time they paid damages for this exact type of nonsense

“...when he was unable to control his own movement...”

Since when is expecting someone be held accountable for a death in police custody overreaching? The man’s neck was broken in the police van when he was unable to control his own movement. Somebody needs to fucking pay for this. Mr. Gray did not kill himself. It’s bad enough that he was arrested on a bullshit charge

Right its only appropriate when the DA in the Tamar Rice case acted like the cops defense attorney rather than an advocate for the people i.e Rice and his family .Not to mention the total charade that the DA put on in Ferguson in favor of Daryl Wilson

Of course not surprising at all for people to jump to the conclusion that he caused his own death. Yep every single black person dead by police caused their own death. Oh and that the cops feared their lives so that is why they did not buckle him. Well since you are so afraid just do whatever you want to keep yourself

Poor Freddie Gray. Killed by ghosts apparently.

So at the end of the day a man who was healthy and alive before encountering the police suffered a severed spinal cord and died and NO one is accountable. These magical negroes just keep murdering themselves

And here’s yet another instance of someone dying in police custody but there’s no accountability. It’s as if Freddy Gray’s life didn’t matter.
