
Pretty sure the race war started when white plantation owners decided it was a good idea to force people to work for them against their will while physically and mentally abusing them and taking away their humanity... but sure, I’d like to see the countersuit for this.

The same reason people have any post-apocalyptic fantasy. They imagine all they need to truly shine in this world is a chance to face hardship and brutality with greater brutality.

1. What about black Jews? Cough. Yeah.

This. Jesus.

So he did not belong to BLM. Then you are just asking whether BLM is right wing or left wing because you are a jackass. He was a veteran. Veterans tend to be right wing. Why aren't you asking about that? He killed a Hispanic cop. You know who hates Hispanics? I know, I'm one of them. Let me tell you, the left-wing is

Your problem might be that you can not comprehend complex concepts like intersectionality — does everything have to be put in a tidy black box for you? If something is not liberal then it must be conservative? If blacks don’t want to get executed with impugnity, then they must be terrorists or, worst yet, democrats?

Your argument has consisted of my level of stupidness, and how it relates to my motherfuckerness, oldest pal. Both are important points, but neither are well-equipped to explain this particular issue. We’ve all come to respect your keen mind around here: You don’t equivocate, you talk logic. But today you’ve come up

Not gonna lie, this conversation is not making you look good.

So, to you, white is “right-wing” and black is “left-wing”. The black guy who says “fuck government, I’ve got my gun!” is different from the white guy (you) who says “fuck government, I’ve got my gun!”. For only one reason.

So black=left, white=right, and that’s the difference between the two ideologies?

He was enacting his “civic duty”to “suppress government tyranny” with armed resistance. The exact topic of at least one late night, far right talk show. The shooter may have been a “liberal” but the play was pulled straight out of the right wing playbook. He is a terrorist either way, but right wing policies, agendas

What made their terrorism “left-wing”?

This is what the march towards widespread right-wing terrorism looks like.

tens of millions of Americans, who elect people like Walsh all the time.

The internet is humanity on steroids.

This unhinged, deparaved, misogynist, racist was a former Congressman. Think about what that says about the stupidity and insanity of tens of millions of Americans, who elect people like Walsh all the time. Reminds me of George Carlin, I’ll do my best to get the words right. “Everyone says politicians suck, right?

This man should be thoroughly investigated and questioned. People have been yanked up by the police for posting a gun emoji next to a cop emoji, but this guy literally threatened the president. His life needs to get really fucking inconvenient.

“JOE.... THIS IS GOD....

Like many people similar to him anyone who challenges the status quo is a danger to his way of life. Anyone who points out that cops shooting unarmed black people is wrong threatens their view of authority. To them the dead and injured officers in Dallas are a tragedy (which is true!) but the numerous dead and injured

Once again confirming that I, a person whose ancestors were brought to U.S. shores 200+ years ago—long before the immigrant ancestors of many a white person—am still not a “Real American” with the rights of full citizenship. Thanks, Joe Walsh, for reminding me.