Your douchebag level is astronomical.
Your douchebag level is astronomical.
I know it's great :D
I still find it hilarious that in FF13, the men are named such soft and delicate things like "Snow" and "Hope", while the girls are named things like "Lightning" and "Fang".
A Brit here just chiming in to say our tiny little landmass has done greater things than your real world ever could :3
Nothing, to this day, has topped my favorite game opening of all time.
FIFA 13 on the Wii was in every meaningful sense a renamed re-release ofFIFA 12
Side note: I hope the next GTA game gives rebirth to Vice City. I would love to see Rockstar's take on it so many years later.
Excitement for this game aside (I got it on Tuesday but due to work travel won't be able to play until tonight), I have to assume these guys passed high school. Maybe even college. That being said, there are more adjectives to use than "fuckin." Maybe that's their gig, but it's hard to sound any less intelligent than…
Dear game companies: Please stop making announcements about making announcements. All you're doing is letting fans speculate, and rest assured, they'll come up with something much more exciting than anything you've got, and they'll be disappointed with your eventual announcement.
MMO stands for Massivly Multiplayer Online. With only one dude buying an Xbox One, I don't know how Multiplayer will work.
The fact that Justin Bieber hasn't been run over a bus yet proves that Atheism is the one true religion.
its actually not different because its a cartoon and nobody cares.
Wow it is a slow gaming news day.
Her last 2 books sold exceeding well...dunno what you're talking about.
I hear the ones on the Wii weren't so great, but damn I had a lot of fun playing the GC one multiplayer
No actually, it's thanks to the company you paid money to for not giving you a product that works properly. It's not his responsibility to check reddit or alter his habits so other people can log in.