
The world definitley had a lot of potential, and even Lightning wasn't that bad (but then again I liked Vanille - hers and Fangs relationship was a highlight of the game for me), but the whole idea was just executed atrociously.

Shock horror! Gamestop survey says people want the two things Gamestop provides. Used games and physical copies.

Is this seriously the third time they've had an article dedicated to them here?

Mine never broke, but I had a couple of friends who's sticks would become loose and the first millimetre or so of movement wouldn't register in any direction, and the stick wouldn't rest centrically.

This some PS2 shit?

I hope it does everything AC3 tried to do.

I always picked the dog because it was the one 'living' piece... I don't want two.


Satrship Troopers was a brilliant film. Literally my favourite film as a kid, and one I've only seen about 3 times from the age of 14, and I make an event of it every time I watch it because it's just that awesome.

I really wish they'd explain properly why they won't release it in the west. The game doesn't interest me but I would like an explanation.

I have no desire to own a Wii U, my little brother has one and it doesn't appeal to me at all, but I definitley don't think it needs a price cut. It's a good price for what it is.

I only played Blue and Gold and Pearl, before dropping out the series until White 2. Pearl was my favourite because I loved the underground cave thing it had going on, and the Poketch was a brilliant addition (surprised you didn't mention it). Removing it from White/Black was a stupid, stupid decision.

Here here. To be honest, in this particular case, I have no qualms with this. There has been enough uproar regarding this DRM and EA has without a doubt heard every word of it, yet they carry on ignoring it, so fucking pirate it. Hopefully they'll stop being such stubborn arseholes.

I think it's because they aimed it at a casual market who don't know much about consoles, so as far as they're concerned, it's just an add-on to the Wii they don't need. Keeping the 'Wii' brand was a really bad idea, whoever decided that was seriously an idiot and deserves to be fired.

Is that what the new PPG will look like? Looks like fucking Farmville...

It's not that big a deal, but it would be nice to see companies streamlining things as much as possible. I'm sure with a bit of effort on their part they could work to solve these problems instead of just avoiding them.

Ok... but can we bave GBA games on our 3DS's now please? Thanks.

Yes, public. You have to apply. They posted about it yesterday, maybe the day before.

There's something about the design that reminds me of a 90's Java game. Particularly the characters.

Yeah cos it always happens when the game lags for a second