
I wish COD games would allow you to use all the previous DLCs you downloaded from the old iterations.

I have to disagree. I play the game fine. The things I mentioned have never been a problem for me but they are things that I have noticed nonetheless. Their attempt at making a disguise system that is realistic just wasn't thought out well enough.

I think that system is fine, but to be detected 100 feet away when all you're doing is stood there like everybody else, I think is silly. And in places like the mine level where you have to enter that facility outside the mine, I felt there were simply just too many people there for everybody to know who everybody

Anti-used games will be make or break for me. The majoriy of my games are pre-owned as I'm pretty patient and happy to wait months or even years after a release to buy a game cheap.

I got about 2 thirds of the way through this game and got bored. Parts were fun, some level designs were really good (though nothing beats the hotel from Hitman Contracts), but the hugely broken disguise system just ruins this game. They need to rebuild the way it works from the ground up again and actually put some

Traded this tripe in long ago.

The ending to ME3? That was this year wasn't it? That sure was a delight.

Because I don't feel that they were linear. At least in the others there was always some semblance of side quests, NPCs to talk to, optional towns and places to visit, buildings to enter etc.

But it is too linear. It is the definiton of linear. It's 98% running through straight corridoors. You can't even go backwards and revisit anywhere, that's how linear it is. The first 20 hours are a tutorial. It is astoundingly linear.

I agree. Some people actually deserve to die. They contribute nothing to society, they benefit NOBODY, and yet here they are. They are surplus to requirements and do not deserve to live on this planet or breathe this air. The sooner they die the better. It is a crying shame a crazy gunman decided to kill 20

I'm in the majority.

No they learnt from their mistakes.

Ummm... no you really shouldn't have answered less questions. As a huge fan of the series, devoting hundreds of hours to the solo AND multiplayer sides of all the games, I was thoroughly dissapointed at the lack of answers you did give. It was like LOST the videogame (yes I know there was already a LOST videogame,

I accidentally did this on one of the first few missions, and I wasn't sure how I did it but I was convinced my game had glitched (hearing so much about glitches was what made me think it) but I found it infuriating. I couldn't stand the camera being so close behind, it limited the view way too much.

All I know is that with a lack of multiplayer, I'll pick it up 3 weeks after launch when it's a third of the price traded in, although maybe brand new, as what happened with Sleeping Dogs.

That makes me cringe.

The series was brilliant. A real breath of fresh air. And I cried like a baby at the end.

I came here to say what you said about the 'don't buy it' response. You probably won't buy it, but that's not the point, you're explaining WHY you won't buy it.

Well I spent a good 10 hours or so just doing Dark Notes so I could play Zanarkand. It literally took me about 70 different Dark Notes to unlock the one that contains it...

I HATE these types of games, but it was just the story of The Walking Dead that grabbed me. The voice acting is stellar and the relationship between Lee and Clementine is one of the best I've ever seen in any game ever. That's why I play it.