
I think it’s that they don’t have enough shuttles and each holds so few people that you literally would take longer to go up and back enough times than it would to make it home.

Pplus, low call isn’t healthy necessarily. Using iceberg lettuce will keep your calorie count low but provide zero nutrients.

Fuuuuuuuuuuudge me I miss Dibellas. Upstate New York has great sandwiches

You get what you pay for.

I really thought Ray Donovan had cemented itself as the Grey’s Anatomy of Dad crime fiction.

The slice n’ fry method is how to best have scrapple, which uses cornmeal instead of oatmeal.

Doesn’t the Klingon Measles pay off with Worf sharing Klingon tea with Pulaski and Pulaski inoculates herself so she can share the usually poisonous tea?

I can also get 2.25 large cups of coffee from whole foods that are very tasty even though I’m a snob.

The chair?

Armond White:

It depends if you think the size of the slice influences consumption. If you think that people only need 3-4 bites of pizza and that the last few are done out of obligation, or habit then those bites could have gone to someone else.

Ive noticed that sweeteners make coffee taste sour to me unless I add enough cream/milk to basically make it coffee flavored milk and sugar. 

I think it’s less what one other person drinks and more that cultural definitions can affect what I’m drinking. I’ve largely lost my enthusiasm for beer because a section of the population decided that IPAs were the only thing worth brewing. Then again, before that, an even larger segment of the population decided

Just saw this now. an alien invasion, but it’s more about life as a force the exists beyond desires, needs, wants, etc.

I said dozens because that’s off the top of my head.

I can think of dozens of people who would love to work a grill slinging hash, clockout, and go make art, knowing that their bills are paid. People used to work in diners well into their autumn years. 

You can’t be the backbone of an economy if your workers can not afford to pay their bills.

None of this would be a huge problem if we didn’t wait for a crisis point before raising the minimum wage. It sucks now because we’ve spent over a decade resisting modest pay increases that could have filtered in gradually. 

Just because the coffee is from there, doesn’t mean the locals get any. The good stuff goes out the door and straight to wealthier people.

Can we just say that #20 is basically a dis-honerable mention for worst-well-made-well-directed-very-well-acted-artistically-ambitious-hit-film?