Maybe that would have been a good time for that girl to learn that you dont always get what you want. This is something a lot of people will need to learn for the future.
Maybe that would have been a good time for that girl to learn that you dont always get what you want. This is something a lot of people will need to learn for the future.
This isn’t an article. It’s a @#%!@ advertisement for Shell. No wonder it includes this nonsense; “Use a credit card to snag some extra savings from cash back rewards” STUPIDEST “advice” ever put on the internet, since the interest they charge on your card purchase is easily 14 times as much as you’ll get back. Maybe…
Unless you’re in an extreme situation where you cannot see through your windshield at all, you should never use the communal gas station squeegee and filth bucket on your car unless you hate it. All you’re doing is putting filth and grime onto your windshield.
Legal sausage production at its finest and grossest
I’m suprised you missed the one where this asshat casually mentions slapping his kid in a rush to jilt a parking attendant out of $57.
I don’t know, I think the tainting of his good name and the company he founded is entirely fair.
“Papa John Has Regrets.”
Fake news! Chancellor Drumph says the NFL is going out of business soon, his contacts in Moscow told him so. Sad.
I’m not the only Marine who could give less than half a fuck what John Kelly sold his oath and stars for this week in support of a coward.
I can never go back to an umbrella that doesn’t both push-button open AND push-button close.
I can never go back to an umbrella that doesn’t both push-button open AND push-button close.
Yay! Let’s take phrases that most people use in a completely innocuous way, drag their racist origins out of obscurity, dust ‘em off, and teach them to everyone so that people can be offended by them again!
Total & max amperage for the 4 USB ports is 2.1A. So you’d get 1.05A each if you plugged in 2 devices, or 0.525A each if you plugged in 4... not great.
Total & max amperage for the 4 USB ports is 2.1A. So you’d get 1.05A each if you plugged in 2 devices, or 0.525A…
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
Do the reckoning NOW. Call it all out, let companies figure out how they want to deal with it, what the repercussions should be, based on severity. Create an environment where this shit is no longer tolerated, where people will think twice before slapping a coworker on the ass, or making lewd sexual remarks, or…
I respect your right to be wrong. ;)
That’s good because he’s right and you’re wrong.
You mean right to be right.
As a diabetic who doesn’t get to enjoy most of my vices, when I want a treat, Coke Zero is my go-to and just tastes better than diet Coke (terrible, terrible tasting). Coke Zero, and also Sprite Zero, are far closer to their original blood sugar spiking variations than their diet versions by a mile. The marketing…
You should also respect @AgeEighty’s right to be entirely correct. :)