It’s right there:
It’s right there:
Gotta crucify ‘em all!
And if you don’t like the Recent video in every page:
I’m using Nano Adblocker and in the options, go into the Filter list tab and check the third option, should be something like “ignore generic something filter” (mine is in French and it’s “Ignorer les filtres esthétiques génériques”). Hit the apply button in the upper right corner, refresh the page and tada!
No love for PC :(
No love for PC :(
The markup on the is terrible... Also, sold out currently on the US site :(
The markup on the is terrible... Also, sold out currently on the US site :(
I noticed they relocated the wiper blade in the back window. It used to be at the top center with the motor in the top left corner (which blocked the view a little). Now it’s behind the spare wheel which is good (more view space in the back window) and bad at the same time (the wiper blade won’t remove the water from…
And I had to buy one at the beginning of the week... just my luck -_-;
And I had to buy one at the beginning of the week... just my luck -_-;
Disable UAC, did it for me, but by doing that, most of the windows apps won’t work because UAC is disabled.
You’re either a Mexican or an illegal immigrant, that’s why they threw you out of the property ;)
Same with Chooper ;)
Eeehhhh!! ;)
Wait what? Where did you read that?
You can user the DVR as long as you have the right hardware... Pfff >_>
“Game bar is available on all Windows 10 PCs. But to record game clips, you need one of these video cards:
Sadly doesn't work on the canadian website :(
Yes you can. I have it (it's called Initial D Extreme Stage). The whole game is either in Japanese or Korean (depends on the version you pick). I just wish they could at least put all the menu in English ;_;
DLNA UPnP Media Server support or LAN media streaming without the need to go to my computer, right click the file I want to watch on my X1 and select "Send to..."...
That's from a small animation from Pixar: The Paperman