
They aren’t affected by Abortion laws or book banning and can afford to be as gay as they want no matter who is running the country.

Opens link... See Band of Brothers 49th. Closes link. 

I would happily unblock the ads if they didn’t make it impossible to use the site.

You said I said superman wouldn’t ask Batman to save his mother. I didn’t say that, I said he’d have said it differently. “Save my mother, her name is Martha, Lex has her.” Something like THAT. Just “Save Martha” doesn’t convey the information needed and no one would say it that way.

I think it was just OK, but MUCH better than The Return of Doctor Mysterio.

That or Romanadvoratrelundar... 

You think I meant he wouldn’t have asked batman to help her? Really? I am honestly starting to think there is something in the water making us all incapable of reading comprehension.

NO ONE calls their mother by her first name in that situation.

In the extended version it’s about the bodies being burnt. With heat vision. The Theatrical makes it look like people think they were shot. Did you watch the extended version? And pay attention?

You actually get why people think Superman killed those people at the beginning and the importance of the bullet Lois has. And the extra details in Lex’s ‘dumb” plan make it such that he actually has one, dumb as it might be. There isn’t a plan in the original cut.

The DC of BvS is MUCH better. It’s still got a lot of the same issues (Martha) but it’s a huge improvement. I would also move The Flash up a few spots and put the Theatrical JL last, followed by WW84 and 2016 SS. 

We’re not that far from this...

Many of the men in my family have that. My son is blonde with a red beard. My father was black with a red beard. I am just boring brown in both. 

“I’m gonna make my own Star Wars, but with Black Jack... And Hookers!” 

No he’s not. You REALLY can’t tell? He is in no way blaming Covid for the Box Office. At all.

I still want a show where they live together in the Cotswolds with their 4 Corgis and solve murders.

Where did I say it would only be people outside the demo? Where did I say it would have made a certain amount?

The first Wonder Woman was best DCEU film IMO. The second is the worst IMO.

You are almost alone in this opinion. It was very well reviewed and made a lot of money given it was released on streaming at the same time.

War of The Gargantuas came of TV the other day and I was transported back to the 70's and the TV of the Boys Club rec room where I watched Creature Double Feature on Saturdays