
Fetish... Wouldn’t let me edit for some reason.. 

I am saying THEY are saying no one should like it. 

What is this weird new fetich people have for using usernames. It’s to familiar and creepy.

Which is ironic because that is what I am saying. Everyone here saying Avatar is bad and you must hate it or be stupid IS what I was complaining about.

Hey look people who think it’s cool to make fun of Avatar are here.. What a surprise. Why can’t people just let people like what they like? Ugh. 

It should be ASSUMED he had no idea. There is no reason he would know. That’s not how any of that works. Someone WANTS to blame him for.. Reasons. But it doesn’t make any sense. 

Currently on D+ with no parental controls...

As a software engineer who works in E-Commerce, I spend so much damn time worrying about SEO. I created the tools our SEO folks use. We probably spend more time and money on that than the average person would suspect. 

It’s like they have monkeys for editors.

Except for feature film he’s currently filming I assume...

There is still a lot of action to help the medicine do down. 

Well, while all that is true except for the part where it cuts off at the 2:35 mark. Which is to say that there is about that much left and a 5:10 film is untenable. I hope that the second films works as well and wins all the awards because making a coherent version of Dune is an achievement and this version, so far,

This is the way. 

But John Noble is playing Denethor.

The Eye Booger Monster may have been his nadir and that’s saying something...

Mark Gatissis an odd one. His Sherlock writing was top notch. He acting is generally very good. His performance in the Doctor Who regeneration special was excellent. BUT his Doctor Who scripts are the dregs. All of them. Just awful. He wrote enough that one of them should have some merit but no. All shit. 

Cardi B, real name Belcalis Almanzar...

Peter Jackson filmed a scene for Return of the King EE after the film won best picture.

David Fincher directs a screenplay by Arron Sorkin... The Wordle Game.