I am close to that as well, but he seems heavier. And shorter unless that ump is 6'10".
I pay for quality, but yes, I agree, you should buy any damn car you want.. But don’t go broke doing it. Just a point, I agree there are much better things to spend your money on, but it’s relative. Which is why I choose 8 weeks gross pay. If you make 30k you should spend less on a car than someone who makes 130k.
Yes, however, I wouldn’t set a dollar limit. My limit is 8 weeks gross pay, not a number in particular.
I paid cash for my car. I got 12k for my trade in and used 12k from savings. I don’t expect everyone to be able to do that, BUT if you can, it’s great not to have a car payment.
If you need to go longer than 48 months, BUY A CHEAPER CAR.
“Miller, the Emoji Movie actor” is how everyone who doesn’t like him should refer to him.
“Rich Assholes Ride The Bus” is a great idea for a TV show.
So I want to read this story, but I get the pop-up telling me I need to whitelist. There is no way to close the pop-up. I refresh page and it goes away. I figure I’d see if the ads were any more bearable here than they were before when I blacklisted this site, so I turned off my ad blocker to see. I WANT to whitelist…
This is the only correct response.
That’s DC...
Is there a bar lower than Better Than Trump? That said, they seemed to have learned from the Princess Di fiasco and are all the better for it.
Wow... You are broken. Good luck with that.
HB2 is Jurassic Park and Pan’s Labyrinth is Schindler’s List. Schindler’s List and Pan’s Labyrinth will both be remembered as cinematic masterpieces, but I would watch JP or HB2 100 times before either of the other 2 again.
Pan’s Labyrinth is A+ work. Otherwise, yes, he is B+.
Or just don’t personally attack people who simply disagree with you. There is nothing wrong with being civil.
I will go with the only person in this conversation to call the other a dumb fuck and stupid as the troll.
The Trump 2020 commercials have started early.
Howard RESHOT much of the film during what was still principle photography. It is estimated he made 70% of the film now. He deserves the directors credit. And blame if it sucks.
“Ronan Farrow’s being heard on this topic is a product of who he is, in ADDITION to his good work and writing.”