Stop organizing and start searching? Done properly, organization IS search. What do you put things in folders for, if not to cut down the amount of time you spend searching for them?
Stop organizing and start searching? Done properly, organization IS search. What do you put things in folders for, if not to cut down the amount of time you spend searching for them?
The "diminutive build" of a Granny Smith? Sounds like you need to find a new source of Granny Smiths. Though technically a crabapple, Grannies can be among the largest of apples—and in my experience, the larger the juicier and tastier.
Look at the articles "Top 10 Ways iOS Outdoes Android" and "Top 10 Awesome Android Features that the iPhone Doesn’t Have." Compare the ratio of iOS supporters to trashers in the first case, and the ratio of Android supporters to trashers in the latter case. A pattern is clear, consistent with what occurs in other…
In college I was horrified when my roommate confessed that he and his friends had crapped in the pancake batter at a restaurant where they worked. I suppose to them it was "an object lesson in why the patrons shouldn't eat there." Is that where this ends?
People, particularly the type who inhabit tech blogs, have a hard time dealing with the fact that some other people can be so gullible. Hence the "excessive, mocking media coverage" and sarcasm.
My, aren't we sensitive. It belies the, you know, "peace of mind" your religion ostensibly brings you.
This discussion really belongs elsewhere, but I appreciate that you've taken on the lager perspective here.
This is a fantastic quote. Thanks for posting it.
So says FOX News...the smoothest operators on cable television, with the grand prize going to Sean Hannity.
Whenever I see something like someone who isn't an engineer making a comment like "engineers making stupid mistakes," I wonder if that person even has the chops to make it through engineering school, one of the more demanding disciplines out there. Or if he could even attempt to do the job without getting fired post…
Though there may be merit to the allegations, Skyhook isn't exactly the most credible witness for the plaintiffs.
Hard-and-fast rule of thumb: never update until the reporting has settled.
Makes me glad I ordered a 27" i7 with 2TB+SSD (but minimal RAM—now there you have a real objection). It isn't too likely I'll care about having more internal storage, particularly given that ThunderBolt drives will be available and faster in the 2-3 years when it might matter. Yes, the price of storage was high, but…
It might be what you'd like to project into it, but "laziness" isn't remotely what I was trying to say.
Love it when you can't tell whether people are being sarcastic or not.
The roof and elevated side are covered with solar panels.
This is reminiscent of the dilemma in the music industry, where most popular music is based on similar chord structures, generally major 1, 4 and 5, so the odds of crafting a song that is not similar in any way to anything ever created before is virtually nil. Of course, that fact does nothing to deter the lawsuits…
The helicopter had to be unmanned. No human could breathe that air.
Though "hate" would be too strong a word, I also didn't care for this. Maybe, like me, you don't enjoy musicals. It seems to be one of those "either you like 'em or you don't" things. Personally, though I'm a music lover in general, I don't get whatever it is that people get out of listening to soundtracks to…
One of the biggest lessons I learned when I moved to the South is to embrace haphazardness—or, as I was told repeatedly, "don't think so much." It's the randomness you can't control, as embodied in things like burnt ends and crispy bits, that satisfyingly expose the heart of a dish.