
Number 1 is really cool.

Hells yeah!!! You and your friends can come over to messy slip-and-slide any time!

It's not about being bothered by the sight of water in a bowl - it's about everything being in it's proper place; i.e., cleaned up, put away, parked, turned off, wiped down, toilet lids closed when finished, etc. Probably a bit anal, but I just think it looks better.

Very cute!

Cool. I'll start putting together the guest list. You're on it.

Based on many comments - this may be a good idea for me. There is no storage in my guest washroom, and the toilet brush is kept in the cleaning closet along with the other cleaning supplies. I've always considered a toilet brush to be a household cleaning implement, rather than a "convenient tool for guests to use if

This is an interesting perspective! I've always felt that the natural position of a toilet lid is "closed", similar to a car door, maybe?, or the lid on a jar or something. Like, it's put away until next time... But I can see the welcoming "I'm clean, sparking, and ready for the next use!" as being a legitimate

Oh, fun! I'm sure cleanup was horrible! How did anyone stay standing? Did you have to hold on to things? I had some friends who did "Crisco Disco Twister" at a party, but I unfortunately wasn't there.

I've always fantasized about a "sexy slip & slide"! It would be fun to oil one up outside, and have it end in a big pool of something sloppy - a la "Double Dare". People would do this while naked, and have a ton of orgiastic fun at my house!

Oh, God: "desiccated fuck-doll crocheted out of all the pubic hair you've collected from public restrooms over the years".

lol... I know! I've been in so many washrooms, where there is a dirty, grungy toilet brush or plunger sitting next to the toilet - and I'm just, like, why??? That is soooo much worse than a streak or two in the bowl!

Style trumps grossness at my house. Toilet brushes are ugly and tacky, and I won't leave them laying around my stunning, modern bathroom for people to use at random. If you're concerned about leaving streaks, simply grab a wad of TP, reach into the bowl and wipe them away. This may sound gross - and it is - but

Oh my god, those "mom" jeans! Wow.


I agree that your personal beliefs are just that: your personal beliefs. However, many religious people and organizations are anything but personal in their beliefs. We've seen a lot of "Christian" organizations trying to turn their oppressive beliefs into law in the US, and obviously some parts of the world already

Do people really tip ones to dancers? That seems rude to me.

Very cool. The vehicles in Breaking Bad are interesting, but the show is so engaging, that I haven't spent much time thinking about them. Thanks for this!

Hi Travis. Two things:

Pretty much. And the shoulder pads and coke.

Cool. I love creative/interactive dreams.