
I hate to bring up Secret Life of the American Teenager as a model show (ugh), but it portrayed/portrays the non-stereotyped race thing in a pretty good way. The main girl's best friend is black and her dad is a therapist, and there's no token black idea. Further, the trashiest member of the friendship trio is the

nope... it's me, too. Can't HANDLE that.

Did anybody else go look at Buzzfeed's collection and notice the Twilight tribute nails? I might have to go get some of those! Two of the worst things, all rolled up together. Can't beat it.

He's the first guy I've seen since Jezebel recommended Taylor Kitsch for the job that I thought was even close to right for Finnick. I wouldn't complain if either of them got cast. (although there are quite a few people I would complain about...)

Usain Bolt ate chicken nuggets before he broke the world record for the 100m in Beijing, so that's totally proof that McDonald's is good food, right?! I should go eat chicken nuggets before I run today so I can break world records, too.

My dad picked my name because he'd never met an unhappy Bonnie. I thought it was quite ironic in my angsty, depressed early teenage years, but now that I am slightly more grown up, it's kind of the perfect name for me. Although it's not exactly awe-inspiring and serious, so my dreams of being a CEO better not ride on

I am actually embarrassed to be from Tennessee right now. That basically only happens when I hear what the State government is trying to do in Nashville. Or when I remember that Stacey Campfield got elected here.

I'm not someone who reads exclusively YA..... just a majority.....

Oooh no. I will have to see if my library has that! Thanks for the recommendation.

It made me cry. For those girls, you should recommend an Australian book called Jellicoe Road, because it is possibly the most beautifully written and also touching book I have ever read in my whole life.

Brave New World is my favorite classic dystopian. I would say favorite dystopian, but I also like Hunger Games (don't hate!) and can't decide between the two.

They can string more than three words together as long as they can throw in a "like" or two.

I think of most of the YA books I've read in recent years (I'm a grown up with a weakness...don't judge me), and although you can find some about rich white girls dealing with boys and drugs and alcohol, there are also so many that reached me on a deeper level than that. They aren't all about idiots doing idiotic

I think you're talking about A Fault in Our Stars by John Green, which is not only not-very-graphic, but is also fantastic and one of the better books I read during my college experience.

Agreed. My friend who is studying nutrition says that if you want to lose a pound a week, eat around 1,300 calories. It doesn't quite line up with 1,200 being the ideal number for pregnant women...

I think I'll just pay my university for my education. Thanks, though.

Sorry. I appreciate your cause, but I still prefer casting to follow the original idea. That, to me, doesn't give credit to racism in any way. They are sticking to how the person who dreamed up the character.

Oh, God. Sorry I haven't kept up with modern comic books. Thank God you're here to educate me.

I just hope that if they bring in Aladdin, he will be Chinese like the fairy tale says. Or at least Middle Eastern, if we're following the Disney interpretation.

She didn't yell "OH MY GOD SHE'S BLACK." She just described her like she did Katniss and Gale and Peeta and FInnick: basic descriptors that gave you a simple mental picture. Finnick has sea-green eyes, Peeta is blond and stocky, Katniss has dark hair and grey eyes, and Rue had dark skin and golden eyes. It was simple