
Strangely, the only difference than I see between that and yesterday's Subaru is the Techno music in background.

The Cabot Trail. 261km of twisties and my next vacation destination. []

Ok. Nobody here never destroyed a car for the fun of it?

Now you only have to get banned from Gizmodo to achieve perfection.

Bonhomme7h promoted this comment.

More LED is better, right?

Excellent choice.

FT-86 Concept II

Less is more.

James May have better contacts than mines. I am still waiting the approval of my grant application to buy disposable second hand vehicles to destroy in fashionable ways.

The sad part is, I can only afford one project car hell at a time. I already have a hard time keeping my 2.5RS coupé on the road and I need AWD for my "one hour before the snow plow" early commute.

One last submission:

I saw this car for sale a few weeks ago. A black Mercedes Cosworth, manual, 4900$.

A good old Datsun.

2nd: Has much as I like classic cars, I always preferred obscure ones. Same hoonability, much more attainable price tag :p []

Hummmmmmmmmmmm, brown.

Bonhomme7h promoted this comment.

Now playing

It's one of the main buying argument, you weren't aware?

Excellent choice.