
Miller actually overpaid on this tax last year, so he’s hired a bean counter.

My mind is open

I’ve been saying all along, that 2015 seems like a suspicious character.

Completely unnecessary Pro Bowl violence. We miss you, Sean Taylor.


Oh, fine, Will. I’ll play. Founders, Live Oak, Jester King.

Later, Manny had a stand-up double.

bullshit barry, u r httr

If that picture’s any indication, they’ve actually got a great excuse for a sweep.

Oh, wow. I didn’t realize he’d played baseball at Qualcomm Stadium too.

I’m with you. I don’t see the benefit. Sure, people get mad when I read Deadspin on my drive to work and run a red light and hit a van full of puppies, but I think that’s mostly just because of the drinking.

There are only two ways you should be adding any heat to Hollandaise sauce: a dusting of paprika, because that’s good, or whole chunks of Carolina Reaper, because I hate you for not doing the first thing.

Kelly is stitching together a human quarterpede

I don’t know what they’re going to do about all the players recently out of UNC. None of those guys show up on tests.

“So I could be a college dropout and do the same thing?”

Hitters HATE This Weird New Turf

Do you want an editorial on whether Tsarnaev should get the death penalty? All right, that’s cool. I don’t get the impression that’s what the letter writer wanted.

There’s no need for commentary about the Boston Marathon bombing. Everyone is already on the same page. That’s what this editorial is about. Thank you.

I think McCoy’s wrong about that. Look at this guy Chip just signed:

Where was this game played? I just want to know whether he's shooting from Luxembourg or Syria.