
Don't get me wrong, I do believe that workers in every country deserve a fair, living wage, but Dov Charney is a disgusting piece of human garbage who gets an erection from the sound of his own voice. After listening to him on NPR the other day, it was apparent that he just blathers endlessly about anything and

It's important to look critically at how we talk about female politicians versus male politicians, no matter how glorious those pant suits are.

Mages > locks all day, every day.

You left out the best one! FOR GNOMEREGAN!

Good man. Some of those Old Spice deodorants smell AMAZING and they do totally provide the perfect amount of scent.


It is an absolute travesty that Gary Oldman (55) is not on this list. I mean, come on. His name is Gary OLD MAN. And he is my lover.

I literally snorted and had the sudden mental image of a rampaging sexual warrior princess. Closest approximation below.

Fat women don't need anyone else's permission to be fat women. They do need support because of hateful little people like you.


I guess this is the only mustache I will ever love.

Can we talk about how dumb that Tom Selleck mustache looks on him?

I want to star this a thousand times.

Did I really just watch a grown man who used to have a show on national television play with Wizard of Oz Barbies for ten minutes... and do all the voices?